Travel delays Grrr!

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After a lovely week with my daughter, son in law, grandson and 9 month old granddaughter, Mrs Tvman and I left early for our train from Peterborough to Stansted Airport which was split up into 3 journeys because of the storm. Our trains were cancelled about an hour after we got to the station. However, because I'm a wheelchair user those nice people at Cross Country in Peterborough put us in a taxi for the airport and that arrived before the order train should have. When we got to check in the lady told us our flight was delayed but couldn't tell us when. Through security ok then we found that instead of 17.40, it was going to be at 20.25. Fifteen minutes later the screen said 23.30 which means that we will arrive in Belfast at 00.30, then a 1hr drive home. Now the screen says departing at 23.00. It's just as well I'm a mild mannered bloke which I think has been engineered by an incurable cancer diagnosis. As my wife says, whatever will be....

Take care everyone and stay safe

Tvman xx

  • I’m glad you had a lovely week.

    Bad luck to be travelling the day of the storm. Hope you are all home safely now.

    Delays are not much fun but safety comes first. We were disappointed as we had planned a lunch out with my daughter her husband and the in-laws. We cancelled it, the buses were not running and we were worried about the trees falling 

    love Ruth xx
