How do you move on???

  • 5 replies
  • 41 subscribers

I had my second to last radiotherapy treatment today, absolutely petrified of finding out if it’s worked, so feeling bit down today. Popped to shops earlier with parents, and got a phone call. It was regarding a part time job at a local new garden centre coming up soon, I’d applied last December. I had to turn and interview down as had to say I was having cancer treatment. But who knows what will happen after this treatment, but I don’t want to waste anyones time. 
I just broke down, outside the shops. 
is this it, do I not get a job/life anymore?

I feel like calling them back tbh as would love a job in garden centre. 

  • I felt better after the radiotherapy maybe a job would be good for you. Garden Centre sounds a nice distraction from your troubles xxx


  • Even if the time isn't right for a paid job, it might be worth finding out if there is a community garden locally - or community allottments - that you could maybe volunteer a few hours a week at when you feel up to it. This would be good for you and being around plants has a very uplifting effect. The sort of people running such a place would surely be very understanding. Why don't you see if there's one in your locality?  Rainie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Rainieday

    That’s a good idea and I was thinking along the same lines as you. 
    Thank you 


  • . I'd get right back to the Garden centre and say you'd be delighted to attend an interview after your treatments have ended. You've got to stay positive - Carpe Diem (apologies it's got to be 57 years since I did Latin).

    You're not wasting anyone's time, do what makes you feel good!

    Hugs, Barb xx

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MrsBJH

    Thank you Barbs. I think I will call them , nothing to lose. 
    thank you xxx