Thinking back over my life, and a few regrets

  • 30 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Here we go again, this what happens when you are on your own, it cannot just be me surely

I have three

Wish i had leant to drive.

Wish i had, had a tattoo when i was younger.

Always wanted to learn sign language .(my eyes will not let me do that now).

have a good day,

Ellie xx

  • I have no regrets but only because all the bad things that happened have made me the person I am today. All the bad decisions I made taught me how to make better decisions and all the things I did that caused me problems taught me to think more before acting


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • That's  a good reply,  and a good way of putting it,

  • I always say it’s only a mistake if you don’t learn from it 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • I wish I'd had children. When I met my hubby he's been divorced for 2 years and had 2 children. He basically said he didn't want any more so if I wanted kids he wasn't the man for me. At the time I was travelling over the world and accepted what he said. I'm a stepmother, stepgrandmother and stepgreatgrandmother!

    I often wonder what my own progeny would have been like seeing my sister's relationship with her 4 children

    I've been married over 45 years and hubby's 10 years older. I wonder if he was to go if they'll continue to love and cherish me!

    Can't believe I've put my innermost thoughts to print!

    Hugs, B xx

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Mrs BJH, I'm sure if anything did happen to your husband, his children and extended family would treat you right! They would have seen how happy you have made their father during the years and appreciate all you've done.

    That's what I think they will do, love and support you as I'm sure you have for them in the past!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hey there. I think we all have these thoughts regarding how family might react if we were the one left, whether they are your own kids or not. I have friends who have better relationships with their 'adopted' kids than they do their own and just because you have children isn't any gaurantee that they will turn out to be the loving, compassionate offspring you might have hoped they would be.

    I hope though that in 45 years of marriage there have been wonderful times and much to compensate you in the trade-off you made. Rainie x

  • Sad that you regret not having your own children but you have had children to live who I am sure love you I have my ruby wedding anniversary this year and will have my first grandchild soon. You have step grandchildren to love as well which is wonderful to be involved in Their lives. Children love you for who you are and because you love them xxx


  • * Not buying a property earlier in my 20s - I could afford it, but I was afraid to take the plunge!
    * Being stubborn and not buying a pressure cooker until very recently.  My Mum used one continually and I refused to consider it as an appropriate modern cooking aid.  Now we use it all the time lol

  • Being a wife and mother is the most important thing you can do.

    i have no regrets I enjoyed my swimming and horse riding just sad I can no longer do it or drive any more 

    i had a career in the NHS for 36 years and loved it. The bonus is now a good pension and we are comfortable being retired 

    I may have to pay for my medication though hope there is enough for that xx


  • As Ol` Blue Eyes sung for many years, " Regrets, I`ve had a few but then again, too few to mention "

    Life is different for each individual and I think we all have regrets, some small and some significant. I stopped tormenting myself years ago about my life regrets as it`s not going to change. I have more important things to concentrate on at present i.e. my health.

    Apologies if my post came across as morose, it was a decent post by ellie 73.

    Take care, Tom.