Claim to Fame

  • 44 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Well it shows you what sort of day i have had. Going back threw the years as you do some times

When i was a lot younger, and a lot of you will not remember the show, i was on the tv, black and white in those days.

It was called Take your Pick,, Michael Miles, Take the Money or open the Box, i should have taken the Money, i opened the Box and got a rubbish prise.

Nearer to home, i always listen to the radio, and phoned up a talk show last Sunday, as they had a Professor on, Cancer expert and was talking regarding having these one stop hubs about.

My next door neighbour  got an invite for one, no symptoms or anything, he said a day out, he got diagnosis  with lung cancer,

Last year my daughter had a problem with her breast, some thing was not right, trying to get in because of lockdown took her three weeks, and the nurse said you have no lumps, so what do you want me to do, Refer me was her answer, went and diagnosed straight away, and was told if you had to wait, for your first mammogram, it would have been to late, She is still not due for her first mammogram that is November time,


Though she has had them since she was diagnosed after a mastectomy , Hence why i phoned up.

Have a good day Ellie x

  • Sometimes you can get copies of a show from the BBC archives. Wouldn't that be something to see yourself again.


  • I was once filmed as part of a documentary about working for a ceramics firm. I was a lowly personnel officer ( in the days long before the awful "human resources" was dreamed up) This was in the mid seventies when I was quite a shy 20 year old ( how we change). I have no idea now what the point of the documentary was , just remember the director was from the religious part of the BBC. Named Crispin or some similar name. I was followed around the factory in some scenes as I went about whatever I went about doing - given a lot of the workforce was male, and not averse to sexist comments, wolf whistling etc, I can't imagine how they edited it. My brother in law was a tv engineer, and he told me for years after he would come across the documentary being screened.

    I was also in the audience for Question Time a few years ago - and got to ask a question. Problem was I had held my arm up for so long waiting to be asked, that when it came to me I just  kept my arm up while i asked the question - felt so stupid when I saw the programme.

    Thats the extent of my fame!

  • Well done for asking a question. Doesn’t matter about your hand being up lots of people do xxx


  • That's all good, another famous person I can say I know! Xx