Claim to Fame

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Well it shows you what sort of day i have had. Going back threw the years as you do some times

When i was a lot younger, and a lot of you will not remember the show, i was on the tv, black and white in those days.

It was called Take your Pick,, Michael Miles, Take the Money or open the Box, i should have taken the Money, i opened the Box and got a rubbish prise.

Nearer to home, i always listen to the radio, and phoned up a talk show last Sunday, as they had a Professor on, Cancer expert and was talking regarding having these one stop hubs about.

My next door neighbour  got an invite for one, no symptoms or anything, he said a day out, he got diagnosis  with lung cancer,

Last year my daughter had a problem with her breast, some thing was not right, trying to get in because of lockdown took her three weeks, and the nurse said you have no lumps, so what do you want me to do, Refer me was her answer, went and diagnosed straight away, and was told if you had to wait, for your first mammogram, it would have been to late, She is still not due for her first mammogram that is November time,


Though she has had them since she was diagnosed after a mastectomy , Hence why i phoned up.

Have a good day Ellie x

  • In my robbing newspaper publishers days, I usually worked just two nights a week.

    Most people took a second job.

    I answered a strange sounding advert mentiong animals. I went to the interview,, they supplied animals for pop videos, poster campaigns, magazines, any animal for whatever.

    I like animals, used to keep snakes and things so took the job and became an animal handler. This was in the 80s , no computer tricks then so if people wanted an alligator they got the real thing.

    Met anyone who was anyone but of course you mustn't appear starstruck. Lost a massive cockroach on the blind date set, that nearly got me the sack. It was about 50yrs old and belonged to London Zoo. Luckily got it back.

    I like rats, I looked after it!

  • I have met some rats in my  life though not all four legged ones sorry to say.

    Ellie x

  • Doesn't anyone want my autograph, I did meet Madonna but on the downside I met Gary Glitter.

  • Jealousy , is a terrible thing, but was you on the tv that's the question., i met the postman,

  • I didn't want to be on telly, I had things to hide!

    But my arm was on it. Never met Bananarama though.

    Yes OK, I am a bit jealous but at least I can say to people I know you.?

  • That's what I wanted to know. Was AA in the videos with Mr Ratty or did he just turn up with it and take it back afterwards? Or was it, as he hinted, just his arm???

    I was on TV a few times. Eons ago I was on a thing called The Simon Dee Show. Remember him? I cannot for the life of me remember why, but we got free tickets. I also was interviewed by Frank Bough in connection with my work. He was lovely and a total gent. Later it transpired he'd been a bit of a naughty boy. Poor devil got roasted in the press.

    Hardly the big time but all interesting experiences.  Rainie x

  • See we do not realize who we are mixing with.we could have been stars in the making, Think we will turn the clocks back. Lovely going down memory lane. talk about the good old days.

    Ellie x 

  • OK, I just turned up, put it in frame, took it home again. You and Ellie pleased you have popped my bubble, a cheap achievement in my view by a gang. 

    Simon Dee, a bit of DeeTime eh? roared off in an E type I am sure.. Frank Bough interviewed you, of course he would, you are a lady, as you say he got found out. Dodgy sod.

    I am impressed but then again I am easily impressed.

  • I wish I could go back as far as you two, what was it like being war babies?

  • i do not know, you had better ask some one.I reckon you should have a word with your self, we only have your word that you cannot remember what it was like. Talk about a Pinocchio.