Reprieved or deprived?

  • 7 replies
  • 44 subscribers

I went for chemo this morning having finally had a decent day yesterday, so was feeling a bit sad that fatigue etc would start all over again. However when I got there ( early morning appt), they told me as my blood platelets were low, I couldnt have it. Hard to know whether to whoop with joy or look downcast. Apparently the blood platelets ( clotting cells) were about half what they should be. Now accounts for why my gums bled a couple of times last week when I brushed my teeth ( I did brush them everyday, just to make it clear, I am not such a slob!).

So now I have a week off, which after a pretty grotty week is good - walks. lunches all become a possibility now. A friend had invited me over for sunday lunch this week, but I told her the danger was I would fall asleep in my plate, like you see babies do sometimes. So now I can look forward to it instead. And the dogs can look forward to walks, and rides in the car - not yet fitted boot cover, but will do now. And no, for those who are interested I havent had it cleaned. When I said I resolved to do it regulary , I meant every month or so. I am not a clean freak!

Today I have actually eaten a reasonable lunch, and look forward to food for the next 7 days at least. And no self injecting to keep my white cells up, so thats a bonus as although it is easy to self inject, there is some inner reluctance to actually stick that needle in. I feel a wimp as my son, asa type one diabetic has to do it 4 or 5 times per day.

Strange isnt it, how the battle between wanting treatment and not wanting it ,after a rough time, pans out. Most of the time I am stoic about appts, treatment etc, but sometimes there is a weariness at the very thought of it all. Am sure you all know it well.


  • Hi OBS. After reading your post carefully I don't know whether to be pleased or sorry for you, exactly how you seem to be feeling yourself. Stoic does describe you well and the weariness is so understandable.

    Can I say, please enjoy the week, the treatment will be back on the cards soon enough.

    The only priority is the boot cover, if the dogs go in it once without the cover, that resolution is out of the window. Similar to your chum Boris actually!


  • It’s a real rollercoaster my tablets keep my tumours stable (so far anyway ) but they upset my stomach so days off are required when my energy levels increase and my tummy feels better but my anxiety that the tumours might be growing starts up so I totally understand the way you are feeling 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Hi OBS, It sounds to me as if both body and mind could use a rest from treatment this week, to give your body and bloods a chance to recover!

    You just enjoy your Sunday lunch and all the walks and car rides this week, then you will be more willing and able to have your chemo! Wrap up well when you go out. We've had snow again today and it is bitterly cold. By the way, you are right, there is no need to clean your car every week but you should definitely put that boot cover on before you allow wet dogs into your clean car!

    Enjoy your meals and exercise as much as you can. I am the same, never miss an appointment but sometimes when the alarm goes off to get up, there's nothing I'd like better that to stay where I am and hide under the covers, it does make you feel weary but you think of this week as a holiday and enjoy every minute! Take care

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • It is tough. Take it a day at a time and enjoy this week and everything you can xxx


  • I hope you enjoy your unexpected extra week between treatments, I remember the mixed emotions when it happened to me. Make the most of it! 


  • A week to build your reserves back and put the old body back into a better balance sounds like what you need. I'm sure the break will also help you in the head department too. The dogs I'm sure will give you extra love too as they always seem to know when we're off colour. Take it easy and give yourself lots of yummy things to eat.   Rainie x

  • Thanks everyone, I will make sure I do my best - already booked two lunches out in a civilised theatre cafe. xx