Tomorrow I see a surgeon.

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  • 46 subscribers

After asking my consultant what’s the prognosis I was told 18months to 2 years.
However I was told I might have an operation to help with my problem of constant Diarrhoea.
Tomorrow I hope to meet the surgeon who saw me initially.
On a more positive side I was told by a colorectal nurse who has been involved in my journey that I was writing myself off to quickly.
She said, we want to get you operated on to help you have a better quality of life and then start you on  further treatment.
So let’s see what tomorrow brings fingers crossed.

Well it’s Thursday and we have seen the surgeon.
She confirmed it’s terminal to my wife ( obviously she had not accepted the consultants word ) but says she want to carry out keyhole surgery on me and install a stoma bag. Local hospital a bit nearer to us than todays hospital so that’s good. Couple of days in hospital and hopefully back home as long as I am okay with bag training etc. Then they want to try and slow the cancer with more Chemo but if I decide it’s to rough I can always stop it.
So all in all not a bad day. Opp on the 14th Feb all being well.
Apparently I retain my rectum but waste goes into the stoma bag.




  • Hi and welcome as I don't think we have spoken before! Good luck tomorrow with the surgeon but going by what the nurse has said, it seems positive news. Sounds like they have a plan for treatment after the surgery which is great. Let us know how things go and good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I was told by my oncologist I had 2 years. That is over 2 years ago and he has changed his mind to several months or a few years so I think he really doesn’t know.

    i just go by how I am feeling. I am feeling pretty good at the moment. They must think you have a future or they wouldn’t be operating on you xxx


  • Good luck tomorrow. I agree with your nurse, don’t right yourself off too early. The fact they are doing the surgery is a very positive sign x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Good luck for today fingers crossed for you 

  • I always think, they would not operate if you are only here a short i think positive. 

    Just think how much better your life will be without that poo thing. So fingers crossed for the doc app. Pet

  • That’s spot on. When my t6 vertebrae shattered and my tumour was leaning on my spinal cord paralysing me the said they could operate and remove my t6 & t5 and insert a metal cage. However the surgeon said it had a twelve month recovery time and so he wasn’t sure he would do the op as I was incurable. I lost my temper a little and said “ my cancer consultant says I can’t have a letter for my life insurance to say I have less than 12 months to live and you say I can’t have the op because I don’t have 12 months to recover.  Go away and speak to my cancer consultant and decide between you if you are coming back with a letter for my insurance company or a date for my operation “. Luckily he came back with a date lol.

    if they are talking of doing operations they think you have enough time to recover from the op and benefit from the operation 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Well done you Richard x


  • That's good to hear and I wish you all the very best for 14th. Here's to greater comfort and brighter prospects. Hugs. Rainie x