There’s hope for the old dog yet.

  • 10 replies
  • 46 subscribers

When my consultant phoned me and told me  my cancer had spread to my liver I asked, what’s the prognosis.
He asked do you mean life expectancy, I said yes and he said 18 months to 2 years.
However a nurse who has been with me throughout my journey bless her phoned to asked me, have you been told your surgeon wants to see you next week.
With my, yes I had a phone call yesterday thanks she continued by saying the surgeon will carry out an operation for a bag which will make your quality of life a lot better with regards your constant diahhorea.
When I said great it will help me for the time I have left she said, your writing yourself off to soon.
She continued by saying, as soon as you have had your opp and recovered we want to get you onto more Chemo treatment and see how things go.
I have said to me wife, hadn’t you better get onto the travel agent and cancel that world cruise you have booked.
She smiled with a sort of smile I have never seen before.


  • There's always hope. And your team have a plan for you to enable you to keep going and make life easier to deal with. I hope this gives you a great incentive to build yourself up - as best you can - in readiness for your hospital stay. Sorry if I've missed anything you said previously, but is there a reason for the constant bowel problems? Is there nothing you can take orally that might lessen this to make for greater comfort? Glad to hear that you have positive people around you and a way forward. All good wishes,  Rainie x

  • I am taking Imodium and Codiene under doctors supervision ( I hope ).
    It does help a little but not a lot.
    Thanks for your kind words though. 

  • That is great news Chromeplated, it will make such a difference to your life to have the bag.  I know you have said that you are pretty much housebound due to diarrhoea, this will certainly give you back your freedom. Really pleased for you. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Excellent news, glad they have a plan for you, everyday you are alive is another day they may find another way to treat you 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Hold the front page! World cruises don't come by often

    Love life and family.
  • That's great news for you and you should be able to get out and about more instead of being stuck in the house so much also great news on your treatment plan 

  • I was told I had 2 years left over 2 years ago and the latest he said I could have several months or a few years. They don’t really know.

    I go by how I am  feeling on a daily basis and I haven’t stopped making holiday plans and I am planning a ruby wedding anniversary for July this year inviting all our friends 


  • Hi Ruth, hope you are feeling well enough for your ruby wedding anniversary in July.  Mrs Tvman and I had our ruby wedding anniversary 3 years ago almost. Looking forward to our golden anniversary in 7 years! 

    Take care and stay safe Ruth

    Tvman xx


    Love life and family.
  • Thank you anniversaries can be fun to celebrate 
