Post Results

  • 162 replies
  • 52 subscribers

An idea, I hope with some merit.

Our lives revolve around blood tests, scans etc. People do post that they have a scan in two weeks or whatever, everyone reading the post thinks 'I must ask after this' then the dates get lost or the memory fails.

We are all desperately worried and interested or just nosy about these results so we can discuss or sympathise or support.

How about posting your results on the day or the next day when they are received? You can still post advanced plans but this way everyone is current.

I think its a great idea but I do have an inflated sense of my own importance. This could be my swansong legacy when I get thrown off for using grammar after my name! Mind you, I'm not doing that anymore.

Norberry  ... dandelion, postie, hoare frost.

  • Hi Rainie and B

    Very best wishes for both of your scan results. I know how tough it is waiting on them, so thinking of you both.

    Nigel x

  • must be the season for scans had mine last week probably won't get the results till the start of March i do love scanxiety


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Hi Rainie. I asked the techie when I came out if they could see anything and got the normal answer - "we're not trained to interpret them !"

    They said the results should be back with ordering Dr in 7 to 10 days. Last time my image was on quickly but the written report took 15 days. ( that scan was ordered by my GP as opposed to my Oncologist - hopefully this time it'll be quicker)

    I think my Oncologist is on the ball and he's planning to call me next Monday before my 4th Chemo next Friday. I'm feeling quite good in myself now the bad couple of days are over and haven't needed so much morphine so fingers crossed the chemo's working! (Wish my fingers were - the peripheral neuropathy's driving me bonkers, however the meds given seem to be working!)

    Hugs, B xx

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  • Hi B, I had a different team for this CT: they were all Americans ['m'aaam']. A lovely bunch and she said the scan would be with the oncologist in time for his next clinic.[ scan Saturday, clinic Monday]. This makes sense as everything is digital and instant.

    The written reports take the time, but really I don't see why it should take weeks to just let people know. This is what happened to me last time, in that the person who did the reports at my hospital had actually died and they were waiting to appoint a new member of staff, so rather than wait, the oncologist phoned me himself after viewing the scan.

    Given digital technology, I really don't understand why we wait so long to hear. Big grins then.  Rainie x

  • Well, how about that then Rainieday, you have touched the lucky tree. Let's hope nobody else has to die in your service though!

    Not been on here long enough to be saucy but thought I would  bowl that one in! .

     AA xx

  • when I queried why it takes so long I was told a trained person has to review the scan then compare with my last scan to check for growth / changes etc. and then write the report for the consultant. The government has pushed the NHS to do more scans but have not provided extra people to review the scans so its actually making things worse 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Yes, I've not had the formal results from my latest scan yet, but I'm happy with what my consultant said. I'll be b#gg@r£d if he's wrong as I have booked a foreign holiday. 


  • I’m just looking at booking a week in Tenerife in March and maybe a week in Greece late May but have a consultant call tomorrow so that may change but I don’t think she will have the results as the scan as it was only last week, it’s doing my head in lol


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • As a new person on here I shouldn't be making jokes, but you do seem ever so well under the circumstances!

  • My consultant phoned me before my appointment to say that the scan hadn't been reported, but he thought it looked fine. He was supposed to phone me on Friday 28th, hopefully with the report, but I put him off because it was my daughters birthday and we were going to the pub. I booked the holiday assuming his assessment of my scan is correct. I was amazed how quickly I could get the insurance, I thought they'd want a letter from my consultant, but I just had to say that my life expectancy was more than 6 months. 
