Desperately Seeking Wisdom - George Alagiah talks about his bowel cancer 7 years on

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This could have gone in any number of forums, but here is appropriate perhaps, and I'm not in the bowel (colorectal) cancer group.

This is a podcast hosted by BBC journalist Craig Oliver talking to George Alagiah, another BBC reporter who was diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer in 2013 aged 59.  He took breaks from work and has various operations, radio & chemo therapy.  He talks openly about how it has changed his priorities and his perspective on life.  

I liked it.  Warning - there's some emotion in the middle!  You can also read the transcript at the link I posted too, instead of listening (but the emotion is still there!).  Made me cry and I suggested my hubby should listen to it.  

It just sums up totally how I felt after being advised we (consultant urologist + me) were looking to control not cure my metastatic kidney cancer.  Don't be sad about what you MAY not experience, (eg children graduating,  getting married) but instead be thankful for the time we have and will, spend together, and being able to see them become independent adults.  

Claire xx