Am I over reacting????

  • 16 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi again 

I’ve been having random  twinges around my tummy, abdomen and sides, also a funny twingy sensation every few minutes at the bottom of my breast bone, it’s not painful, just strange. Had my full hysterectomy in august. What’s panicking me, is that these are similar twinges to when I had the 19cm sarcoma in my pelvis! 

I had a clear CT scan in the pelvis area, on the 10th November.

Ive contacted the sarcoma nurse today and yesterday, and had no response, I guess hours are different at the moment. 

Im just so worried and making my husbands life a misery as he just sees me getting upset all of the time.I bet he secretly can’t wait to get back to work tomorrow Disappointed 

Thank you for reading 

jane xxx

  • Hi Jane, I sometimes - and recently over the past week - have been lying awake tuning into every little twinge and sensation in stomach, sternum and adjacent regions. I know that if I contacted my cancer nurse every time I had a twinge, I'd have to arrange for a permanent chair to be reserved just for me. I'm also aware that my next scan is due for the end of the month - no appointment yet, but I know I will chase it if nothing arrives by the end of this week. I'm also aware that I'm still within my original prognosis - 8-15 months post surgery. 3 months left to pass that milestone - things like that get lodged in your head.

    So I'm just over the year since my last recurrence. I think it's totally understandable that you and I are both a bit twitchy - as would anybody in the same situation. If it helps your head then do check it out, but remember that you will get twinges and little niggling sensations after surgery as the nerves they have to cut through take quite a time to calm down. I know I have discomforts and niggles all the time. My surgeon tells me scar tissue will do this. It doesn't mean that your cancer has returned.  Thinking of you and sending you much support. Rainie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Rainieday

    Thank you Rainie. I do understand what you mean, as I’m the same, I’d need my own chair too Joy 

    My next scan is due February time, no date yet but hospital appt for results, is the 17th feb. 

    I am so tired of feeling paranoid at every twinge. You are right though, I’ll see what nurses say, and go from there. 

    Thank you , I do get reminded each time, that my hysterectomy was a huge operation, and very complicated, so maybe I just need to relax a little, but not too much Joy 


  • Hi Jane, Yes a hysterectomy is major surgery. I had one many moons ago but I can still remember the twinges afterwards and they lasted on and off for a long time. Remember this op mixes up the or ones in your body. Also there can be adhesions left by any surgery that can cause pain or just weird feelings.

    I think as long as you let your nurse know and hear what she has to say. Also if your appointment for results of your scan is due next month, you don't have long to wait. It is not easy but try to focus on something else in the meantime!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Thank you Annette, listening to you and Rainie, has reassured me a bit more. Theyve calmed down today, at last, but scared of them coming back as I’m feeling very stressed already, today. I need to relax, thank you 

    love jane 

    ps I hope you have a good day 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Rainieday

    Hi Rainie

    I mentioned it to my cancer nurse and they have got me a CT scan for next Thursday. 3 weeks earlier than originally planned. Absolutely petrified now, as it’s ‘urgent’, wish I’d never mentioned it Joy 


  • Erring on the side of caution is what they do - and 3 weeks earlier in the scheme of things isn't too much different. So try not to put too much empasis on it as you are 'in the pipeline' and after all, dependent on how well-staffed they are in Radiology, it may well work out that by the time the scan report comes through to your oncologist, there won't be that much difference to how it might have panned out. The waiting is always stressful no matter when the scan takes place. Now, can I interest you in a little art therpy to try to divert your mind and calm those frazzled nerves? Big hugs. Rainie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Rainieday

    Thank you Rainie. You always make a lot of sense, and it helps to put it into perspective. 
    I love art, just wish I was good at it. Joy 
    Thank you again for your response, it’s really kind. 
    Xxx Jane 

  • Hi Jane, That's terrific you've got a date for your scan but as Rainie said, I know here in Scotland they are short of people who are qualified to report the results of the scans, so here you can get a scan quite quickly but getting the written report can take it's time. No one likes the waiting part but the fact they have acted on what you've told them is great, it means they are on the ball!

    I think, once you have had a cancer diagnosis it preys on your mind a lot, especially at the start of the cancer journey. Every little twinge, headache etc you are thinking "is that due to cancer?".  Then after a while you realise you do get a headache or twinge that has nothing to do with cancer at all but at the beginning after diagnosis, it is constantly on your mind!

    Please try to find something that takes your mind off it! I do jigsaws ( there are loads, free) online and read my Kindle a lot. Find something that works for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
    • Right Jane, this is how it's going to be; Join rainiedays art courses. Join Annette's jigsaw courses. Join Tvmans vegetable courses or if none of those appeal, Join my fashion courses. I am stuffed full with women's hormones so I know what top goes with what bottom and indeed, what accessories to finish with.

    Now if none of those appeal please try not to drive yourself mad with anxiety. You cannot worry about this scan, your next scan, the results of the scan after that. You will be a nervous twitching wreck. You will probably say that's what you are now so we have to get you out of it.

    Watch some easy on the brain telly then watch some more. Eat a few choc biscuits while you are doing it.

    I used to hate this expression but you have got to be kind to yourself. 

    There ended the first lesson, feel free to demand my qualification for dispensing this advice, well, a certificate for swimming a width, a certificate for playing the violin and I'm great at hoovering. 

    I want to see a change or I will be driving you mad with even more outrageous suggestions.

    Everyone on here is thinking of you. Xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    hi Annette 

    Yes, the reporting takes ages, as you say. Waiting is just hideous. 
    But, as you say, at least they’re on the ball. 
    Yes I think you’re right, every twinge etc now, is making me panic, but I’m sure it’s because it’s still early days, and I’ll get more relaxed as time goes on. 
    I didn’t know you could get jigsaws online, I’ll have a look. Thank you 

    Have good day 

    love jane xx