Airline kerfuffle

  • 8 replies
  • 44 subscribers

I had an "interesting" experience on our flight to visit family a few days ago. To other USers I'd probably say the Orange One (as many of us still like to call him) emboldened gripers everywhere, and I had a dose of that.

We had landed, and were getting ready to leave the plane. Some passengers were continuing on to another city, so wouldn't be getting off. When I saw 15 rows of people ahead of us all sitting still and staying in their seats as their turn to exit got closer, I assumed they were the through travelers, and I and my son walked up the 15 seats to where the exiters (people getting up) were. Well, there was grumbling and shushing and finally some man said something about how we shouldn't have come forward, it is a covid risk, yadda yadda. What? So I said, oh, I'm sorry, I thought you all were staying on the plane. And later, did they make an announcement about not walking up that I'd missed? (I fly a lot lately and have never seen people keep 6' social distancing when exiting or entering a plane. Why? You're sitting cheek to jowl the whole time) Some other woman started talking about common courtesy and how she'd been flying 30 years and it's common courtesy to wait your turn. I repeated that I had thought they were staying on the plane. I guess they expected me to go back to our seats? Didn't even occur to me to do that, I'd dragged my cancer-ridden self and my son up 15 rows already, not going back again.

When did it become ok to be so sure you are the expert on others' motivations? In a similar situation I might have assumed someone had a connection to make, or the 6 year old needed the bathroom stat. Benefit of the doubt. I just deescalated, because I hate those youtube videos where people get into knock down drag out fights on planes. But afterwards, I had half a mind to find the woman or man and say something about having terminal cancer, probably less than 6 months etc, and how they should not assume they know what is going on in someone else's head, I'm not at my best right now, etc. To make them feel bad, not a nice motivation, and also to make them think before saying anything the next time.

Thinking about it in baggage claim made me want to cry, about being terminal and treated like that. What is it with people not giving other people a break anymore? Kindness and sympathy.

It made me even more sympathetic towards flight attendants these days, for sure.


  • That was a horrible experience for you.

    those people are the bad ones treating you like that. You were doing nothing wrong try to move on from it and think of yourself and your own needs you have the right to they are the selfish ones not caring about others situations xxx


  • Unbelievable Patricia but they are just common idiots. They woukd behave like that to anyone, you were just there this time. I'm pretty sure they woukd still complain if you had keeled over and died. Ruth is bang on the money with her reply.  Putbit out of your mind, horrible people. Xxx

  • Dear Patricia - push those morons out of your mind. They are not worth spit. Your energy is precious so don't waste it on, if you'll excuse the phrase, nob-heads like them.  Rainie x

  • It's ridiculous how perfect strangers can cause us so much anxiety and pain, when I'm stuck mulling over these incidents I have two opposite approaches 

    1. How small their lives must be if they need to gripe about tiny things
    2. How their problems must be so much larger than mine if it helps them to focus on tiny slights

    One of them usually helps


  • They are just donuts and muppets.

  • Hi Patricia, You we're just in the wrong place at the wrong time and that type of person is not worth a minute or second of your time. Sounds like the kind of person who if they had nothing to moan about would moan about that too!

    On flights now, I have to get assistance because if there are stairs, I can't manage them and need the ambulift. Everyone who asks for assistance is taken at the same time usually first onto the plane. People in wheelchairs, crutches or a stick. When leaving the plane they ask you to move to the front then wait until everyone else has disembarked, then assistance will come.
    Now the people who really annoy me are the ones who when it is time to leave the aircraft, practically knock you down to get to the exit stairs, then you realise these were the people who had sticks on the way there and miraculously now don't need assistance. How can people be like that!! Unbelievable! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you all so much, it has helped me let it go!


  • you can do no right in situations like that. I need a chaperone on flights, my wife normally acts as one, especially since my hearing has deteriorated, going through wrong gates, leaving boarding cards at security, leaving belts on for security, taking belts off and loosing my trousers, walking through security with a bottle of water (clearly on view) ….  Just a few of my mishaps