Favorite holiday times?

  • 10 replies
  • 44 subscribers

I would love to hear about peoples' happy holidays, whatever they are. Akin to 3 good things, I guess.

1. My brother and his wife visited, and they, the dogs, I, and my son had a nice walk on the beach. It was beautiful.

2. My son was very very excited at the gift I (not my wife, not santa) got him, one based on his and my shared experiences and my values. On Wednesdays I drive him 1/2 hour to swim lessons, we eat out, and on the way home we listen to a podcast on animal life and conservation. I got him a stuffed animal and other things from the organization that puts out the podcast. It's a shared interest, and I'm happy I have the time to pursue it with him. Very happy that he seems to have taken on the interest, maybe it will be one of the things he associates with me as he grows up?

3. Wonderful evening out with my wife, bro, and sister in law, drinking fancy cocktails and getting tipsy and giggly.

4. Got to share my dark humor about dying with my brother and his wife. So we can get past the shocked, uncomfortable phase of things. Like we were discussing getting a ham for Christmas, I said I don't love a spiral ham, my wife said it's hard to find others right now, I said OK, I guess I can live with the spiral ham, it's not like it's my last Christmas or anything. Groans all around, it made me happy. 


  • Hi Patricia, My favourite "happy holidays" at Christmastime, is just the family getting together with our grandchildren so excited to tell us what they got from Santa!

    This year, our son Paul, DIL Kelly and son Clint had arranged to go to NI over Christmas, it would have been the first Christmas Paul would have been away since my diagnosis. No matter how many times I said it was fine to go, he just wouldn't! Until this year.

    Then a couple of weeks before Christmas they were positive for Covid, ( no side effects apart from a sore throat for a few days) so had to cancel going away. They all had isolated (10 days) before Christmas Day so we got to see them.

    They leave for Larne on the ferry today and will have New Years Day with Kelly's family. 2 brothers, 2 sisters, 6 nieces & nephews and her parents!

    I am not keen on New Year but love everything to do with Christmas so Covid has done us a favour this year! Out of something bad, there's always something good!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE when it gets here!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette 

    Glad to hear Kelly is getting to see her parents and extended family. Paul will have a great time and enjoy our Northern Irish hospitality. Wish you were coming too and we could meet Slight smile

    Take care and stay safe Annette 

    Love life and family.
  • We had a good Christmas. It was so good to have our son from London here. He is still here until tomorrow.

    last year was disappointing because he was stuck in London on his own due to covid restrictions.

    we are all fully boosted and the happy news our daughter is expecting A baby and we had her and her husband plus bump on Christmas Day. Kate managed to eat her dinner as well and the pregnancy sickness is easing,

    We had lovely dog walks. None of us have had covid and yes we have been to the pub.

    Happy New Year everyone xxx


  • As long as I read you have involved a pub in your day Ruth,  I know things are alright in the world! 

    What a great holiday after all of you have been through this year. Xxx

  • We've had a lovely Christmas with all three of our children, two of their partners, my parents and one of my sisters all with us for Christmas Dinner and most of them staying with us for several days.

    The children have bought us a voucher to visit a fancy restaurant in Sheffield that we keep meaning to try but have never managed to justify yet, so now we've no excuse not to go!

    My parents bought us a 1000 piece jigsaw, which we groaned about, but we all spent several days completing it together, so it was a good thing! 

    Lovely to read about everyone's Happy Holidays, thanks for the thread Patricia 

     Best wishes to everyone for a Happy New Year 


  • Sounds a very good Christmas Sal x


  • Thank you Happy New Year to you xx


  • That's  what Christmas is about Sal, what a fab time.

  • Hi Patricia, It sounds that you've done some lovely positive things - love that you've got this animal conservation thing going with your boy.

    We had a lovely Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with nice food and yummy Prosecco. It was so relaxing and fun and such a contrast to the last two years when Christmas was spent in hospital. I never thought I'd get another Chrsitmas at home, but have just had a great one!

    Watched The Eagles concert from Melbourne and then streamed Jo Walsh VetsAid concert from his basement and sang every song [had a sore throat next day, but what the heck?]. You will guess that we are both life-long fans.

    Have got my studio cleaned up and ready to get cracking on a new project and feel motivated to start splashing the paint around. My friend has offered to take my work in to exhibitions and I have already signed up to show again next year. Fingers crossed and Stable Mabel permitting - but plan to do it regardless, well, as long as I can stand up!

    I wish each and every one of you all the very best for 2022. Thanks so much for all the kindness, love and support that you have all shown ever since I joined this forum. You have all made a huge difference to my life.

    Rainie x

  • Sounds a lovely Christmas. Good to keep painting. An exhibition sounds wonderful xx
