No chemotherapy

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I saw the oncologist today and basically told that if I can eat more I will last longer. I was advised to contact my GP and Marie Curie to discuss my palliative care pathway. As a rough guide I was told 3-6 months life expectancy depending on being able to eat more. Chemotherapy is not an option now as it would do more harm than good. When I had my first follow up appointment with the registrar surgeon 6 months after the Ivor Lewis surgery he said I had a 20-25% chance of surviving up to 5 years. I said so I have a 75-80% chance that I won't last 5 years. You should have seen the panic in his eyes lol, I said don't worry I grew up being told that the average family had 2.4 children and I've never seen point 4 of a child yet. I am not a number I am a free man and I have lasted for just over 5 years. So I will just have to keep going and prove them wrong, I like the idea of being a stable Mable. I might have to start getting up early so I have more time to eat. I had the top third of my stomach removed 5 years ago and my internal plumbing re- routed to create a new stomach and oesophagus. That's the main reason I can't eat proper sized meals, I have to try and eat by the clock and when you have no appetite, it's not so easy. Anyway I just thought I'd update you and have a ramble to get it out of my head.  Kind regards Frank.

  • Hi Frank, I was sorry to hear what the oncologist had to say but just love the attitude you have. Many of us here have proved them wrong so I hope you join us. They really don't know it all!

    Not having an appetite and not being able to swallow properly must be hard enough without them telling you to eat more and you will last longer! I'm assuming you have tried the build-you-up drinks and other things to help you put on weight! Does it affect drinking? I swear by drinking lots of water each day but maybe if you could manage whole milk or even single cream, it may help build calories! What about ice cream or full fat yogurt?

    I'm sure you have heard all this before so it is worth getting in touch with Marie Curie via your GP they are amazing and are there not just to support you when you are at the end of life but to help you live every moment and enjoy it!

    I hope you can manage some sort of Christmas dinner, even if it is just soup and a dessert. The main thing is to enjoy the company of the people you love and who love you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Bit of a bastard thet news Mr Zappaman. If the answer is to eat somehow that's got to be the plan. I remember not eating during chemo when I couldn't taste. A different situation but I did make myself try a few things. I know our Matron ... Annette, has suggested a few things, I stuck with eggs, through a blender and then drunk it bit by bit. 

    Well, you have to persevere, just got you here, be a bit ungracious of you to leave us prematurely in my opinion!

    I do hope you can get a bit of fun over the holiday. Good luck.

  • Great that you like so many have exceeded your sell by date, I assume you have the build up shakes fortisip or similar to get calories and vitamins.  To put on weight I guess eating all the stuff you are normally told to avoid, high calorie high fat may help as well. Hope you get into the stable Mable club and stay there for a long time 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • And don't forget Mr Zappaman, Remoh is now our hair fashion advisor, should you fancy a change, although colouring is not his speciality!

  • Hey Frank,

    A difficult challenge for you, to be sure. I've mentioned before, and Annette does too, about yoghurt. My Greek surgeon told me to eat it with honey drizzled over. It really did help me with my weight loss and was easy to swallow. I too lost part of my stomach, though not the rest of the plumbing like you have, but I think you should try to include this in your regime. It tastes nice too and it's easy to mix in other things such as fruit puree etc. The best of luck and all good wishes for Christmas. Keep on being that determined Frank.. Rainie x

  • Hi Frank,

    I now have a fuzzy picture of .4 of a child in my head, but the details won't resolve so it keeps loosing and gaining parts!

    Good luck with the eating, it must be so difficult when you have no appetite. Best luck with keeping ahead of the odds!


  • Yes good luck Frank. You have a good positive attitude xx


  • Hi , great that you have broken the life expectancy barrier. Keep on fighting and eating and you may be Stable Mabel some day. Good luck Slight smile


    Love life and family.