2 month review

  • 8 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I had follow up PET & MRI scans end of September and was told that my tumour was now minimal after my chemo had finished end of June, I thought I’ll take that it was the best result I’d had in almost 2 years. 2 days later I was admitted to hospital with very bad infection in my leg with lymphodema spent 8 days on intravenous antibiotics followed by 10 days of oral antibiotics .

I have just had my follow up review from September and on examination my oncologist could find nothing so better news even than September, I have to see oncologist again in February and unless anything has changed it will be another follow up. So far so good, oncologist says cancer will come back but I’ll take what I can for now. 

I wish you all a Happy Christmas or as much as you can, and pray for a healthy new year for you all. 
