Feeling dreadful

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  • 42 subscribers

I have had chemo immunotherapy  and bone fusion and have been dreadful since the start due to have more next week but am very undecided as to go ahead,ok it can hold it but not for e too long as don't  like this horrible feeling of being ill all the time 

  • Hi Little she, I don't know your story but, like you, I've had all the treatments and I'm finished with it now. I find that I feel pretty crap most of the time, I think that a lot of it is due to lack of sleep and probably some disease progression. 

    It's hard to carry on with the treatment if it's not helping. It's a quality of life judgement that you have to make. Just don't assume that if you stop treatment, you'll feel better, because you may not as your disease progresses. At least though, you won't be traipsing backwards and forwards to hospital appointments.

    Sorry, this is a bit of a rambling, incoherent post, I am so tired today. 

    Much love,

    Stuart x 

  • That does sound awful Little she. I can only hope you are getting plenty of support, you certainly will on here. X

  • Hello Little she. It sounds like you are going through the mill and at times when we feel so very physically low, it's hard to be positive. It's only you that can make the call. I know I would feel compelled to give the treatment the best chance at being effective, but if I thought I was suffering with no prospect of improvement down the line, then I would pull the plug, maybe see if there were any alternatives which would offer me a better quality of life in the here and now. I don't know your cancer or your circumstances as it's not on your page, but please come and let us know how things stand and feel free to express yourself on here. We are all on this journey together and here you will find great understanding, as well as advice.  Love to you. Rainie x

  • Hi Little She, It is so difficult to make any decisions when you don't feel well. Like others have said, we don't know your story because you haven't filled out your Profile Page yet. I wonder how many of these treatments have been suggested but maybe after the first couple, things will settle down. Like Rainie, I would give any treatment a chance. The problem is, until you have given it a try, then no one knows whether it is going to help or not, even the professionals! In actual fact, when I was offered a Trial drug, as there was nothing else at the time they could offer, the odds against it working were high but I thought it was better than nothing! No one expected me to still be here years rather than months later but here I am.

    I hope you have someone at home you can discuss this all with but if not, weigh up the pros and cons by writing them down. I don't think your oncologist would have suggested this treatment if they thought it wouldn't work in your favour. Keep in touch and let us know what you decide as only you can make this decision. Whatever it is, we will support you 100%, if you let us.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • You must go with your own decision. But I refused chemo when offered it by my oncologist. He then said it would only have worked for a short time any way. I was glad I refused it and then he came up with the 5;day course of radiotherapy.

    there may be something else along the line you can have x
