I good thing, some bad things

  • 67 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Good thing.

Had a huge amount of blood tests. I think they were generally good but I couldn't understand the nurse telling me!

So, something minor wrong with my heart, something minor wrong with my blood count but PSA good, the only one that matters really.

Bad things.

In for covid swab Sunday, then isolating until Thursday when I enjoy the delights of a cystoscopy. Didn't like it last time, don't expect to like it this time!

Catheter in for 3 nights, let me tell you that is a right nuisance.

So to everyone who reads this and says" that will stop him posting ridiculous and useless items on here"

You are absolutely correct, karma has come back to bite my bum, it won't enjoy that though!


  • Chemo was the toughest thing I did. Don't spare a single thought for that fraud Norberry. He's having a general anaesthetic! 

    Stuart x 

  • Is that a bit of cutlery I can feel in my back?

    I deserve this accurate assessment of my character! 

  • A stabbing pain in your back? Probably lumbago, on top of everything else you're going through. 

    Stuart x 

  • Best of luck. Sounds like the treatment takes a long time. I have never had Chemo but think different ones have different side effects. It is not very helpful for my cancer.

    i agree with you about this government someone called him a clown at the top the other day. I despair with the corruption.

    let us know how the chemo goes.

    i am on holiday in Bude and have been for a. dog walk along a canal path looking at ducks and boats xx


  • Of course that's what it is. I am surrounded by supportive friends, it couldn't be anything else!

  • Good luck for today , ( it is Thursday here already) i hope all goes smoothly and you will wake up again...we need you here you know?? Bikkies are waiting for you, hugs Pet

  • Thanks Petra, still Tuesday late evening here so a bit of pleasant time left.

    Going in 7am on Thursday, what a treat eh. Hospital only half an hour away so a brother in law is taking me and bringing me back if I do wake up. I will be hungry so keep those bikkies ready! Xx

  • Hi Norb, Hope all goes well on Thursday (7am is the middle of the night) but why do the always want us to go in at an unearthly hour!! Don't listen to Stuart, sounds to me as if he's jealous as he wasn't put to sleep and you are far too young for lumbago!! Also Pet, what a thing to say, OF COURSE he's gonna wake up, so you get started on those biscuits!

    Like Ruth, I have never had chemo as it doesn't work with my kind of cancer. Ruth have a great holiday!

    Norb, now is the time to think of where you want to go for a few days once your treatment is over! You could even ask Mrs Norb where she fancies going. Just talking about it, I hope will cheer you both up! Oh and please give the nurses a break!! LOL! Unlike Simon's nurses, poor them!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • All the best for tomorrow. Break a leg!   Rainie x