I good thing, some bad things

  • 67 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Good thing.

Had a huge amount of blood tests. I think they were generally good but I couldn't understand the nurse telling me!

So, something minor wrong with my heart, something minor wrong with my blood count but PSA good, the only one that matters really.

Bad things.

In for covid swab Sunday, then isolating until Thursday when I enjoy the delights of a cystoscopy. Didn't like it last time, don't expect to like it this time!

Catheter in for 3 nights, let me tell you that is a right nuisance.

So to everyone who reads this and says" that will stop him posting ridiculous and useless items on here"

You are absolutely correct, karma has come back to bite my bum, it won't enjoy that though!


  • Ruth, the two treatments to bear no similarity to each other. Mine will be a tad uncomfortable, not being brave, its absolutely true, but yours took real courage. You deserve as many holidays as can be fitted in. Get that sand in between your toes, I am envious! Xxxx

  • Hi Norbs, sorry to hear this news. It can only be something very minor with the heart, because you have a good heart, one of the best.

    Hope you are now back home after the Covid test, and will enjoy the next few days of isolation before the fun and games start on Thursday. At least in isolation you can get a few more box's unpacked xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Everyone is being kind Chelle. I am embarrassed by this surfeit of good wishes. Wallowing in it with pleasure though!

    Went shopping Saturday, bought all the essentials....... loads of wine and oven cook dinners. And kitkats, I love a kitkat.

    A few more boxes will be emptied but the mood indoors has to be correct and motivation must be in spades. Not experienced that yet so taking it easy until it kicks in.!

    Hope your combined flu is esaing off.

    Bye xxx

  • . Don’t forget loose trousers,  joggers or hiking trousers. Although by the sounds you’ve gone through this all before. Best wishes


  • Got all that thank John.

  • Thank you I am all packed ready to go x


  • Thanks for good thoughts. Went to see Oncologist this morning - starting new treatment Friday, as scan shows liver tumour doubled in size over 3 months between scans. One of side effects of current treatment is sore hands and feet - so was hopeful that might reduce , of course it turns out one of common side effects of new treatment - hand and foot sorenessUnamused However so far all side effects from every treatment have been bearable, soI know I am lucky.


  • Hoping for some good results from your new treatment. Hopefully they will expedite the next scan more quickly than usual. 


  • Good luck for Friday then. Is it once a week? 

    Stuart x 

  • Day 1 and day 8 treatment and then 13 days off before it starts again. Is a very brief infusion apparently - actual chemo takes about 10 mins, but the usual saline and steroids etc takes a little while longer. Given I had 74 IV chemo sessions in 2017 - 2019, I am sure I will cope ( that was every week with one week off in 4.) Will be quite nice to see some of the chemo unit staff again. One is a rabid lefty like me, and we havent been able to decry the shambles that is out govt - so I look forward to that. I do despair at the number of patients who sit reading the comic which is the Mail while having chemo. Could be chemo brain I suppose.. I once took The Times in and tried to give it away when I left - no takers No mouth

    Anyway, , thanks for your thoughts - I know you are having it tougher than me, as are many others ( procedures sound worse than mine)