Not sure if I’m in the right place

  • 6 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Dear All a few months go I covered a part of myself having to deal with lung cancer spreading once more.  It’s becoming a little more difficult each time I have to add a bit more on.  Unfortunately this time it’s more than a bit. I was called last Friday by my onc who wanted to change to a face to face.  As I was feeling pretty unwell at the time i asked to complete over the phone and he readily agreed after pointing out how bad this conversation as going to be.  He wasn’t wrong.  So 8 years and 8 months on from the very first time I was told I had cancer I am now I have it worse than ever

it has now spread to my chest nodes, my right armpit lymph nodes, more of my right lung and a sizeable chance into my right adrenal gland area.

To say I am overwhelmed somehow seems inadequate but what else is there to say.  Any insightful tips on what I might want to grab a hold of and read will be greatly appreciated 


  • Hello mummy. I am so very sorry to hear of your disease progression. Of course no one knows how long any of us have got but if your worry is about the very end then there is a book loads of us on hear have read.

    It is called ' with the end in mjnd' I believe by Katherine Mannix.

    It will certainly take some huge worries off of your mind.

    If there are other reads to help you cope with what is happening at the moment then I am sure others will suggest them.

    Best wishes,


  • Difficult news for you to absorb. 
    we are thinking of you here.

    have you got symptoms from the spread ?


  • Sorry to hear that, mummyb. Are you still having treatment? 

    Much love, 

    Stuart x 

  • Hello mummyb.  Keep posting, keep getting things off your chest, keep sharing with us. There is support and understanding here for you. I hope you can calm yourself by making sure that all the practicalities are dealt with so that you can then make the most of each and every day ahead. Big hugs.  Rainie x

  • Hi Mummyb, I was so sad to read your post and am sorry you are now in that position. I would also recommend the book mentioned by Norberry and think it may help with any fears you have. Please remember we are here for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Mummyb, 

    So sorry to hear your bad news, I don't have any insightful tips but I do want to send you hugs and best wishes. 
