We're thinking of you Stuart

  • 41 replies
  • 53 subscribers

I might have missed a post - if so sorry - but found myself thinking about Stuart and hoping he was managing OK. So thought I'd just create a little post where we can all shout out for him. Big hugs Stuart. Lots of love to you.  Rainie x

  • I like dogs more than people, just look at them to see why!

  • These are my daughters dachshunds I enjoy having them to stay 


  • Great to hear you managed the holiday even if it was tougher than you had hoped. I get what you mean about visitors we had various people visit over a ten day period and as lovely as it was to see them all it was totally exhausting. Take a rest and enjoy some relaxation 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Beautiful long-hairs. 

    Stuart x 

  • Absolutely beautiful dogs, we will have them to stay!

  • Hi Stuart, Glad you enjoyed it.

    Yes sometimes it's just nice to have the place back to yourself! Good to have visitors but better when they leave! Lol!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Stuart, I am so glad you manged the cruise, I thought that was where you were when we hadn't heard from you. The North Cape looks amazing!! Sorry to hear you were unwell onboard, but what a relief that they did not send you to the hospital. I have heard of peoples struggles to get home once being removed from cruise ships. xx


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi everyone, it's Stuart's wife Debbie. I just wanted to let you know that Stuart was taken into the Hospice yesterday.

    He is receiving the best care and is comfortable and sleeping. I'm here with his sisters and his two children will be here this afternoon.

    He has been the most amazing person throughout his illness, it's been a roller coaster of ups and downs but throughout it all he has fought everyday to get up and showered and take the most out of the day.

    I'm so immensely proud of him and I could not have asked for a better husband and friend.

    It won't be long now and I know he would have wanted to thank you all for your support.

    Best wishes to you all


  • We've all been thinking of him and your sad news has brought a lump to my throat. He was a great presence here and helped me personally on many occasions with wonderful humour and kindness. Please give him a hug and a kiss from Rainie . I'll be thinking of you both.  Rainie x