Pet scan

  • 5 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi I've just had the results of my second scan since the removal of my ovaries due to Krukenburg tumours in March. My oncologist told me there are changes in my abdomen and I need a Pet scan. This will be booked as soon as possible and once the results come through my oncologist will see me face to face. My chemotherapy was stopped after 6 rounds as I was admitted to hospital with a UTI that didn't respond to antibiotics and I was low on blood cells and anemic. I was told the op could only buy me more time and wasn't curative but it's only been 6 months. I fel completely thrown by this news as I am feeling well and enjoying getting my life back.Its hard to stay positive.

  • If you feel well Missymoo2 then that is a very good thing. Carry on getting your life back. Of course you are thrown by the news, who wouldn't be, but don't second guess the results of a scan that you haven't had yet.

    I second guess every appointment before I've had it, it just wears you out, there is no good reason for it.

    I wish you the very best of luck, stay feeling well. Xxx

  • Hello Missymmo2,

    I agree with Norberry, try and enjoy your time feeling well. Good luck with the Pet scan and results.

    little-fi xx

  • Hi Missymoo2, Yes it can be difficult to remain positive but as Norberry and Little-fi have said, enjoy feeling well for as long as you can. It is easier to say than do but try to stop worrying about something that may not happen! Worrying is such a waste of energy that could be used elsewhere and at the end of the day, it won't make any difference to the outcome. I usually try to focus on something else when waiting for a scan or results, it is less exhausting! Please let us know how you get on, as you say, it's early days yet so concentrate on feeling better after your surgery! Be good to yourself!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you for your replies, reading all of your stories on here gives me hope and strength. I am enjoying feeling well and have resumed swimming and long walks with the dogs. We are off with friends for a weekend jolly and I intend to have a good time. Thank you again for your positive thoughts.


  • Have a lovely 'jolly' Missymoo and keep organising treats and outings that bring you joy. All good wishes to you. Rainie x