Immunotherapy halted half way through

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  • 54 subscribers

Hello all,

I had my 2 monthly scan on Saturday and went for my review today. Sadly I'm out of the "stable mable" group for now. I have my last immunotherapy tomorrow as my tumours have grown. Not the news I wanted to hear. They have said I can have radiotherapy to my chest and right lower lung and it won't be as harsh as my previous radiotherapy to my throat. I will have pain swallowing, which is really worrying as I've gone under 50kg and have difficulties with swallowing as it is.

I'm due for surgery on 25th which I've been waiting for over a year because of Covid! This will be to make a new airway so I'll be able to breath through my nose, taste and smell again. I was so looking forward to this but the news today has put a real dampener on that now. I'm trying to stay positive as the consultant has said if the radiotherapy works there might be a chance of resuming treatment.

Has this happened to any others on here? Did your immunotherapy start again?


little-fi xx

  • It is awful Himalaya, and I think we  cope with what's thrown at us as there isn't a choice. When sitting in the hospital and seeing people far worse off than yourself it brings it home how lucky you are. Always someone worse off unfortunately. xx

  • Any time little-fi  xx

  • I hear lots of cliches  but I sometimes wonder if we really.feel.the meaning in our.heart. It is.what it is but people without pain don't necessarily feel the depth of it, physically and emotionally.HeartI mean the profound overwhelming nature of it all. I know one day I will be free. Until then pain is my unwelcome visitor.Heart

  • Hi little-fi, I’m wishing you luck for your surgery, and for immunotherapy starting up again. I know when one particular tumour refused to budge for me the theory was that surgery or radiotherapy would put the body under stress again and jog the immunotherapy into working again. I have had a few pauses and start ups and it’s run of of steam for me is how it’s been described but I had 57 doses of the stuff, over 5 years. It given me time for the next potential break through treatment so it’s good to have that hope and positivity of our team isn’t it to keep us going. 

    Take care KT

  • Little-fi, I hear you, it's scary when treatment options start going away. One thing, maybe: I can't count how many times I've had a plan and had alternate plans and thought I had the path ahead all figured out, and then something totally different happens. Sometimes not for good, but sometimes it is a good thing that I didn't even know could happen. I'm hoping either that the surgery and radiation sort of restart things for you, or that something even better but as yet unknown happens for you!


  • Sorry to hear you have hit a bump in the road. I hope it’s a little one and you get over it easily 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Sorry to hear the immunotherapy failed.  I'm in the same position, I had combination immunotherapy and targeted therapy. My tumours grew and spread.

    It's good to hear that you still have op[tions however and wish you well.


  • Thanks KT, that is really encouraging to hear that you really can get back onto immunotherapy. I'm pleased for you that you were still responding even with the pauses in between. Where are you at now? Are you waiting for another treatment plan?

    I wish you well.

    little-fi xx

  • Hi Patricia, I know exactly what you mean. One minute it's doom & gloom and then you're on a high when it's going well only to get knocked back down again. The team always offer hope though and we hang onto that.

    I hope you're managing ok? xx

  • Thanks Richard,

    I've settled again and got my head round this news. It just takes a while to digest and accept.

    Best wishes

    little-fi xx