Sad farewell to the forum

  • 17 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hello all.

Some of you probably know that I become overwhelmed when we lose friends on here. 

Some of you may know I have had difficulty with the rules governing the use of the site

As a consequence of both I am leaving the forum.

Thank you all so much for all the help you have given me. 

I am due to attend a funeral soon, I will let you know how it went.

  • Norbs I am very sad to read this. I know you have been struggling with recent events. Maybe a break from the forum will do you some good, however I would like to see you back!!  I know other members here will feel the same as me, and will want you to do what is right for you, but remember we are here to support you through all the rough patches, and we will welcome you back with open arms when you are ready xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out!


    I'll be in touch, 

    Stuart x 

  • Best wishes but consider sticking to the rules if you come back. We all need each other right now. Take careHeart

  • Norbs, you are one of the lights of this forum, always quick to reply with support. 

    Some of the older members will recall that I too had the same problems with admin. I didn't want to lose my good friends, neither did I want to lose the chance to give support and help people really in need, nor did I want to lose kind words of support that would help me and I had to work hard to win the trust of admin again.

    In all walks of life there are regulations, some we agree with, some we don't. We have to bite our lips though and accept that there are certain rules to follow. If you don't agree with them, why not work behind the scenes and explain why you are having issues. 

    I can't stress enough how I feel about you, you're a warm light in the forum and too good to lose. Perhaps you could think again please.

    Take care Norbs and stay safe

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • Take care Norberry, do what you need to do, and don't change for anyone. Of course I will miss your humour.


    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • Norberry, Please think again. We can work through this and come out the other side. Get yourself through what's up ahead in the short term and re-charge that sparky old battery.  Keep in touch. Rainie x

  • So sorry to hear this you always cheer me up.  You will be missed xx


  • Hi ,

    I hope you take a break and do consider coming back when you are ready. How will you see my pics of the new staffies if you are not on the site? I shall miss your banter as will lots of others. It is hard to see people who we have interacted with, and cared about, die and you have been an intermediary for many of those and their families. That must have taken its toll. But as others have said, we can gain strength from each other in the darkest times.

    I shall personally miss having someone call me a Guardinista and who knows how scary I am!

    Do what you need to for yourself and Mrs Norberry, but know we are keeping fingers crossed you will be back.


  • Really sorry to hear that  you have always been so helpful and welcoming on the forum and it won’t be the same without you. 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Norberry,  I only joined this forum just over a year ago and always liked your posts. They were honest, informative with your own humour style flung in for good measure, when you felt it was necessary of course. Decisions like this are very hard to make but I`m sure you have thought it through long and hard. I wish you all the best in the future and hope it works out for you which ever direction it goes.

    Take care,  Tom.