TV Programme that i found very interesting

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  • 42 subscribers

Hi Everyone

Well i watched a programme  last night, how those men work in those conditions, i really do not know.

It opened my eyes to what is going on and how certain people  can cope with certain conditions, well worth a watch, though not for every one it was called Submarine on channel five.

My hubby would have loved it, as it was to do with the Navy, and our son went in there at 16 and  did 21 years though glad he did not pick subs, but fleet arm. 

Have a good day.

Take Care Ellie xx

  • I do like that type of programme, I will watch it on catch up.

    I think that submariners have to get on with everyone and everything.  Can't have snowflakes on one of those boats.

    21 years and not going home every night to watch telly, couldn't do that. At least you didn't have to do his washing and ironing!

  • Hi Ellie, My dad was a submariner during the war. He served on several T-class boats but mostly on HMS Tiptoe - named by Churchill - and her emblem was a ballerina. The dancer Moira Shearer gave a pair of her ballet shoes as the subs' emblem. I'm glad he didn't take up the offer to continue on The Affray after the war. Dad came back to my mum and to civvy street and I was born. The Affray went down with all hands.   Rainie x

  • Thats  very interesting Rainie, have to say ir opened my eyes, and the condition they lived in.

    Also the problems they encountered  even at the start of the journey going up to there destination, which was Trident.

    Very interesting and can not wait for next week.

    Ellie  xx

  • I had to teach him how to iron before he went in, and bought the iron, good old mum

    Take Care Ellie xx

  • Dad always said that the closest recreation of his sub. and the conditions were shown in the German TV series 'Das Boat'. Also Dad's sub was used in the film 'Morning Departure' with John Mills. Both really interesting.  Rainie x

  • Very informative  and your dad must have had some interesting stories to tell you


  • Yes, lots of stories, but if I put them on here it would likely be deleted!!  Take care ellie. Rainie x

  • Das Boat should have put everyone off of going to war in a was years ago and I remember every bit of it. The whole country watched it