The 3rd Chemo didn’t work, so now Radiotherapy

  • 13 replies
  • 51 subscribers

oh dear!!  The 3rd chemo didn’t work - am I surprised- no, not really.  I shall keep on keeping on for my family, but I have no faith in any of it any more.  The next thing is Radiotherapy (sigh) and then maybe a trial if there is one.  I’m booking my plot at the natural burial place in Clandon so at least all in the family will know where I’m going.  The tumour has grown a centimetre while on this last Chemo and my breathing is bad.  Aside from all of this I feel fine in myself, although some days I just want to get it over and done with.  Isn’t cancer weird - you feel good but you are on your way out!!  I’ve still got some things I want to do, and people I need to see, but I’m tired now …

  • Oh Maz..that's not good news..i had radio for my tumor in lung, 13 x ...and it shrunk and since then did not grow!!! So fingers crossed..and a tip, .don't forget after each day to put that cream on , i did not and had bad burns and rash. Hugs Pet

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pet1968

    Oh, first I heard of cream Pet.  I go tomorrow for the ct scan to identify where they gonna do the radio,  i go along with these things cos the fam want it and if I thought it would work, I would too.  That’s interesting to know about yours.  I have small cell which may not respond so positively but here’s hoping!!

  • Hi Maz, Sorry to hear the chemo didn't work for you but Ihope, like Pet the RT will do better. Remember to use the cream though!

    I wish you all the best.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Dear MazLC, please remember that continuing treatment is your choice and if you've had enough, then you've had enough.

    Your family will understand, believe me.

    Much love,

    Stuart x 

  • Oh , I'm so sorry to hear that. Such a shock for you as I'm sure you were expecting a better result. It's understandable that your mood is low, I'd feel the same too and I'd be wondering if there's any way that radiotherapy will be better but I would hate to think that I gave up without giving it a chance. 

    Whatever you choose Ruth, I'll support you as will everyone here I'm sure. Your body, your choice. We're a team and if one of our members hurts, we all hurt. It must be reassuring though when you read that radiotherapy helped Pet and she's thrown in a tip too! 

    Take care Maz and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • So sorry chemo has not worked for you fingers crossed for you on the radiotherapy treatment and anything else you can get loads of hugs and love xxxx

  • Being realistic about our chances is often the best way. It doesn't mean we give up!. Like many of us with advanced disease. But worry wont change things. In just marking each day and doing what I can. Im being scattered over the New Forest. People can remember me for my legacy of deeds done. Wishing you good days ahead.

  • Dear Maz,

    I am sorry that the chemotherapy hasn't worked. I really feel that you should only have the radiotherapy if you feel it is worth it, if it will give you the time and energy to the things that you want to do.

    Best wishes whatever you choose to do.



  • Hi ,

    Sorry the chemo didnt work, hoping radio does. I completely get your feelings about being torn about wanting it over, but still feeling good enough and wanting to do things. Is a bastard, this cancer thing. I think when you are less ambivalent, and have decided your really just want it over, that is the time to decide not to continue treatment. Hopefully that is still some way off, but the tiredness, once it becomes overwhelming, is the sign we need to be aware of as calling time. Good luck for now.


  • Sorry to hear the chemo failed, I hope the radiotherapy works for you. 


    be safe, be nice, be you