Missing Tinalay

  • 11 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hello, I am having a couple off weeks off to come to terms with the loss of Tina. We spoke together and laughed together, she has left a massive hole in my life.

I will be paying SiT a visit very soon and will of course pass on his news. Cheerio. 

  • take care of yourself Norberry, enjoy your break then come bak and amuse us as you always do.


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Thanks for everything you've done Norbs, have a good break and clear your head. Please shout if you need anything. Give my love to Simon.

    Stuart x 

  • Oh Norberry, sorry you are feeling like this. I hope a little break will do you good. Give my best wishes to SiT please & I look forward to more posts from you when you're up to it.

    All the best

    little-fi xx

  • Hi Norberry, I think at times like this we all need to take a step back. You are wise to do so. I too have been trying to step back a bit but it is hard when I've known a lot friends here for a long time now and when I read they have a problem, I find it hard to ignore it. Maybe I should stop reading the posts for a while too but I find myself drawn to the site!

    Have a lovely break and I hope you manage to visit Simon and find him in good spirits. Please give him my love and best wishes!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  •  Good on you for looking after yourself ( and of course  ). Come back to us refreshed and ready to banter again, however long that takes.


  • Have a good break, you have had so much contact with many on here, you’ve lost a number of good friends.   Hope to hear from you again soon once you have had a chance to regroup

  • Hi Norbs

    Sorry I'm a bit late with this but the site swallowed my last two attempts.

    Take a break and look after yourself and then come back and annoy us. It's clear that Tinalay means a lot to you and her pas_ing (I can't write the full word or the site thinks I'm in trouble and won't let me go any further) has had such an enormous effect on you. 

    Pass my best wishes to SiT please, I miss him. 

    Thanks Norbs

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Norberry,

    It is so hard when we somebody we care for dies. 

    I am glad that you are taking some time to look after yourself. I hope that you come back to us refreshed and mischievous.

    Best wishes 


  • Take as much time as you need Norbes, We are here for you if you need to chat. Give my love to SiT xx


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Yes it is hard, makes us think a lot...please look after yourself and give SiT a big hug. Pet