Bone marrow failing

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  • 48 subscribers


Had bloods taken for Friday's telephone consultation


Well, the doctor phoned from the McDermott unit yesterday with my results and they were not good..
Haemaglobin was 94, up from 89 the week before so that's an improvement. She also said that I would probably have a transfusion at 88 or below so last week was close. My neutrophils, the part of the white cell that fights infection was down to 0.72 so that's the lowest ever figure for that part of the blood. She said that although I am neutropenic now, they probably wouldn't intervene until 0.5 Then something that has never been talked about before, platelets. Platelets help the blood to clot. When I checked on the internet about the figure for them, they were all the doctor's figure multiplied by 1000. So if she said 150, the internet said 150,000. Well, she said that last week they were 173 and this week they are 115 but she said that possibly they were low because I had been ill recently. However they want me to have my blood checked again in 4 weeks.
So that's it folks. It would be a lie to say that I'm not worried, very worried.

Tvman xx

  • Hope you get sorted tvman. And things get back to normal 

    sending love 

    Rose xx

  • Yes I get confused with the high numbers .

    I always used to think of Hb the magic number was 10 .

    below that they used to give you a transfusion. Now they leave it much lower before they transfuse x


  • Hi TVman, I've not been here for a while either so just read this just now. Of course you will be worried, I'm worried and concerned for you but I hope the bloods were low because you hadn't been well for a bit. Also you had done some travelling which takes a lot out of you. Although I'm sure that was worth it seeing your family! Please don't make yourself ill through worrying, as I always say! Just hope for a better result in 4 weeks! I will say some extra prayers for you, it can't hurt!

    Love Annette x

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