Bone marrow failing

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  • 48 subscribers


Had bloods taken for Friday's telephone consultation


Well, the doctor phoned from the McDermott unit yesterday with my results and they were not good..
Haemaglobin was 94, up from 89 the week before so that's an improvement. She also said that I would probably have a transfusion at 88 or below so last week was close. My neutrophils, the part of the white cell that fights infection was down to 0.72 so that's the lowest ever figure for that part of the blood. She said that although I am neutropenic now, they probably wouldn't intervene until 0.5 Then something that has never been talked about before, platelets. Platelets help the blood to clot. When I checked on the internet about the figure for them, they were all the doctor's figure multiplied by 1000. So if she said 150, the internet said 150,000. Well, she said that last week they were 173 and this week they are 115 but she said that possibly they were low because I had been ill recently. However they want me to have my blood checked again in 4 weeks.
So that's it folks. It would be a lie to say that I'm not worried, very worried.

Tvman xx

  • Hi Tvman

    I have not been on a lot lately, as things a bit hectic at home.

    Sorry to hear this, and yes your worried, i hope  it turns around for you, and when i pop back in, will be better news.

    Thoughts are with you,

    Take Care Ellie x

  • Chin up mate I am sure they will sort you out and like the doctor said you have been ill recently so your bloods will not have recovered xxxxxx

  • Hopefully just a temporary blip, Tvman.

    Much love,

    Stuart x 

  • I agree with was ill so blood not good...and now we look forward to a stronger and healthy doing stuff in the garden again....hugs Pet

  • Sorry to hear about your worries about blood results. 
    they are keeping a close eye on you and no transfusions needed at preset .

    I know you are living the best life you can.

    love xxx


  • My thoughts are with you TV man. Is the internet reliable for information?. I do it too and find out of date and conflicting stuff at times?!

  • Hello tvman. So sorry to hear your latest and hope the next bit of news you get lifts your spirits. Are you the sort of person who takes supplements? Maybe there are some that would help support your bloods whilst you are going through this rough patch? When I was in hospital my bloods went through the floor and they worried the docs, but since being home and taking lots of extra Vits & minerals things have levelled out. I hope you are soon out enjoying your garden. RD x

  • Hi Tony, yeah, I'm aware of internet sites. What I was trying to get across was that the figures the site was using was the equivalent of my figures but with 3 zeros added on. Sometimes there is a change in reporting terms. When I was being treated for haemachromatosis my haemaglobin was given as 130, 115, 105 etc. That was how haemaglobin was written as, then some bright spark had the idea of writing those amounts and dividing by ten.

    For example, 112 became 11.2, 105 became 10.5 etc and that's how it is today. One lovely eccentric haematologist I had always introduced herself as Barbara, and not Doctor X. Everyone called her Barbara, nurses, doctors and patients. Poor Barbara could not get used to the new system, she was rooted firmly in the past. 

    I'm going to need a blood transfusion(s) and a lot of hope!


    Love life and family.
  • I understand now. REALLY hoping things are going to work good for you SparklesHeart

  • Not great news but a blood transfusion should sort it hopefully.  Fingers crossed for you to get your levels back to where they need to be


    be safe, be nice, be you