Dealing with each day as it arrives - Peace and ACCEPTANCE

  • 13 replies
  • 44 subscribers

When I was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer just Weeks ago, i cannot say I was completely shocked. I had known for 3 Months that the possibility of misdiagnosis was there from 5 years ago I was angry and saddened instead.  im probably less angry now but sometimes overwhelmed that i will not be around at some point in the nearer future. Not sure if it is the fear or the process of dying of not functioning. 

  • I sometimes switch off from cancer by focusing on other stuff but my mind often goes back. LIVING in the moment is great, but are there any other coping strategies that anyone can suggest?.
  • I dont think talking about death is sometimes good. It seems that only in the western world do we hide this subject. I think this creates unnecessary fear. Why people avoid something that happens to all of us.
  • Peace and ACCEPTANCE i hear alot about but how do we know if and when we reach it.

Thanks everyone and hope we have an interesting chat here. Have a good day if possibleHeart