Tinalay - update for all her friends.

  • 9 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Tina's sister Sheila replied to a text I sent to Tina. She asked me to send on Tina's behalf her love to all her friends.

That is probably everyone on this forum. 

Tina has picked up a chest infection but is peaceful, without pain, and is surrounded by her family. Sheila said that she believes the end is close.

I am so sorry to have to post this awful news.

  • Such sad news to hear tinalay was the second person to contact me when I was in a dark place the first was daloni didn't think any one would contact me everyone on here is our family and for me as I have no family this place has always been my lifeline so when we build up a friendship and we lose that person it's like I have personally lost a family member my heart goes out to her family and friends huge hugs and love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Thanks Norberry, for your work outside the forum to keep in touch with our friends and to keep us all informed. I really appreciate it, as I'm sure does everyone else.

    Terrible news about Tina, who has always been such a beautiful, wise friend to everyone here. Good to hear that she is comfortable at least.

    Much love to everyone.

    Stuart x 

  • Thanks Norbs for letting us know about the health of Tinalay. Sad news yes, I know how a chest infection can feel especially when you're already weak. There's a lot of people rooting for Tinalay which is fantastic.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Thanks Norberry, Even when you know it is coming, it is still a shock to know a good friend is coming to the end. Devastated!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Very sad news...but she's not in pain in with her family. Sending a big hug and lot's of love!!!

  • Thank you Norberry. It sounds like she will have a peaceful end. We will all miss her xxx


  • So sorry to hear about Tinalay.  It’s good she’s comfortable, not in pain and has her family around her.  Bless her and her family.

  • thanks for letting us know my thought are with her and her family, I wish her a pain free rest of her journey


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • So sad to hear this news and thank you Norberry for letting us know. 

    Please pass on my love and best wishes to Tina and her family if you are speaking to them again. 

    I know this must be very tough for you as well so look after yourself too.

    Take care
