A week of hell

  • 54 replies
  • 53 subscribers

Hi everyone

From last Sunday I began to feel unwell and I became increasingly worse with shivers until unbeknown to me, she had contacted the emergency number of the cancer unit of MacMillan NI. An emergency ambulance was on its way and I was fast tracked. I was packed in ice which was not pleasant at all, to try to lower my body temperature which was 39.7, yet by today is 38. I've been diagnosed with neutropenic sepsis..I could have died 

Tvman xx

  • What is this mass on your chest ? Do they think they is an infection if they want to treat it with antibiotics L

    seems a bit strange to me.

    sorry you are neutropenia. Hope it all gets better soon love xx


  • That is good the ABS worked against your cellulitis.

    It must be horrible to have all this pain. At least they are trying to do something about it with injections and x rays.

    I am still in my dilemma about RT and have not heard back for the oncologist to see if he is willing to delay it.

    I managed a day yesterday without any oramorph and we went on a good walk with the dog and lovely views.

    Today we are going to try a new Italian restaurant and going on the bus from our house 

    love xxx


  • Blimey, that is some saga Annette. If you can just get enough relief to enjoy your holiday thats all you need. Do what Ruth does, everytime she leaves her house she goes for a nice pub lunch.  As SiT would say ..... just sayin ....

  • A day without oramorph is a bit of an achievement I would say. Hope you get many more days like that. A bit of flirting from the Italian waiters will probably help as well!! Xx

  • Yes we do enjoy a pub lunch xx


  • Only being michevious Ruth as I am sure you know. A bit jealous as well. X

  • I hope you are improving Tvman and get back on your feet soon. Hopefully the antibiotics clear up the mass on your chest. Neutropenia is terrifying but you are in the right place to get it dealt with.  

    Just want to say hello to everyone else on this thread.

    Take care


  • Hi everyone

    I'm pleased to say that I'm getting home later today, once my 10 days of strong antibiotics have finished, and that's lunchtime. I feel much better than when I  came in. Much better. I'm still falling asleep quite a lot, I scored highly on the sleep apnoea questionnaire, so whether it's sleep apnoea or the high daily dose of morphine I'm taking is up to them to decide. What I do know is that I've dozed at least a dozen times writing this!

    Take care everyone and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Great news you are going home. I was always desperate to get home from hospital.

    you will be tired for a while after what you have been through. Plenty of rest at home is good.

    I lie on the sofa and miss a lot of the programme and sometimes watch it again.


  • Good news Tvman.

    Stuart x