Halfway there

  • 8 replies
  • 44 subscribers


just a quick update,

well I’m happy to say I’m now halfway through the docetaxel.  The chemo isn’t too bad, a little nausea for about a week and diarrhoea for a couple of days. Unfortunately the filgrastim shots have not got any easier.  I’m laid up for about a week from the start of taking them.  Thank goodness I only have them for 5 days.  The painkillers help but dope me up so I’m no better off either way.  I’m hoping and praying it will be worth it in the long run.  Still waiting for results of a ct scan I had 16 days ago.

take care.x

  • When you have finished your treatment you will feel a bit better anyway. Doesn't sound like a lot of fun but you are giving it a good go. It will be  worth it in the long run. Xx

  • Hi , good that the dreaded chemo isn't too bad for you, the filgrastim shots don't sound like a barrel of fun though. The scan results should surely be with your oncologist by now. Can you ring his secretary and let him or her know that you want the results?

    I reckon it will be worth it in the long run, hang on in there mummyb, you have a lot of support from your friends here.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • . Great to hear your halfway through. I had docetaxel on three week cycles, it’s only temporary, although allow yourself time to recover, I think I rushed after chemo too quick, it takes time to recover, not as bad as going through but took time after finishing, take it easy, rest and good luck

  • Thanks for the replies and the words of encouragement.

    I finally got the results of ct scan yesterday.  No change.  I’ll take that thank you. My onc did say that as the tumour is small they weren’t expecting to see any shrinkage, I’m just glad there’s no growth.  Infusion number 4 next Tuesday.x

  • Well done mummy, you are getting there,  what a great result. X

  • Stable mable is the best if it’s growing or shrinking it’s still doing something. Stable means it’s doing nothing and that’s what we all want lol. 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Hi Mummyb, So pleased you have now had the report from the CT and you are stable, that's fantastic news. Although the treatment is difficult, you are half way there already, good for you and hopefully the results mean it is all going to be worthwhile! That's enough to keep going and get the other half of the treatment behind you, just like the first half! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!