
  • 25 replies
  • 49 subscribers

My Husband decided to leave me on Monday we have been together 18 years! He said he didn’t love me anymore! How can humans be so cruel? 

  • Hello Devon77,

    That is just awful, I'm so sorry. I hope you have good friends and family that will support through this. You will find the strength to do this and focus on what is best for you.

    Big hugs

    little fi xx

  • Oh Devon, I am so sorry to read this. I'm wondering if you saw this coming or if it is out of the blue! As you have not yet filled in your Profile Page, I am wondering do you have a family and if so, are any still at home. This is a terrible situation for you to be in but I hope after a while it will make you stronger!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember

    That's awful. I hope you've got people around you that you can rely on. It might not feel like it now, but if that's the kind of person he is then you're probably better off without him. Take care and feel free to rant on here whenever you need to x

  • Hello Devon77

    i hope you have plenty of help and support around you.  You will get through this.  

  • This has happened to several people on here, disgraceful behaviour. I hope you can manage to get through this. X

  • Really sorry to hear that, I hope you have other friends and family around you


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • FormerMember

      you must feel heartbroken.Life can be cruel but for your husband to do this is shocking, I’m so sorry.

    My husband started seeing another woman, a young blonde 25 years younger that he’d had a fling with in the past. He even went on holiday with her & expected the 2 of us to live under the same roof but separately when he got back. I kicked him out and we had a rough time, alcohol played a significant part in that.

    Then one day he came to the door and the man I loved and married was back. All the anger had gone. My cancer is considered terminal so we decided to draw a line under everything that had happened and make the most of the time we had with family. I’ve since developed rare complications, am bedridden and rely on carers but my husband and I have  chosen to stay together.

    I know other members of our group have had similar experiences, and many don’t have the support they need from their partners. 
    Maybe your husband is having a melt down and will come out the other side, but whatever happens I hope you have plenty of support to help you through this. Sending love and hugs xx

  • Its completely expected for you to share rhis with everyone in the hope that others can feel they are not on their own and things can change.

    You are a nice person Tinalay and your husband is one lucky man. Xxx

  • Hi Devon77, I am so sorry to hear this. It happened to me too. My husband told me he was leaving the same day we were told I had cancer.  Ironically the 2nd time I was told I had cancer I was on a first date and he is now my fiancé, so they are not all bad. It is cruel, I hope you have some support at home. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • So sorry to hear this Devon, I hope that you have other people to turn to.

    Wishing you strength. 
