Sorry another moan

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  • 41 subscribers

Had my palliative  chemotherapy on 11th may since  been going somewhat downhill continued stomach  ache no appetite  plus awful taste and smell struggling not to be sick when I try and  eat ended back  in the cancer ward difficult  to diagnose  but told I have iterable  bowel syndrome trying  to look up  in Google  anyway does anyone have any ideas diet  wise my gp has changed  oramorph  for oxycodone hydrochloride suppose to be more gentler  on my bowels do have plenty of back up have my consultant  ringing tomorrow and my community  nurse calling in on monday best Regards  to all sorry not to be on the up

  • Hi Jim, So sorry to hear you are suffering with these problems! The trouble with taking drugs is it upsets your stomach. I have to take a drug every day to help my stomach cope with the drugs I take as they upset my system! I have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulitis both due to the drugs. I have to stay away from green vegetables as they just run right through me. I go from constipation to diarrhoea and I get a lot of stomach ache but I just try to get on with it and thank my lucky stars I'm still here!

    I would forget about Google, if I were you, a lot of their information is old and not at all up to date. It told me the survival rate of Stage 4 MM was nil! That was in 2013, it didn't take into consideration all the research into new drugs! It is good you have a good team behind you with plenty of people looking out for you. I am sure they will help all they can!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Jim

    my stomach is all over the place. If I take any opiates my bowels stop so I have to take bisacodyl and senna. When I stop taking the opiates the acid in the pazopanib I take for the cancer gives me the runs and I have to take loperamide ( Imodium). I am slowly working out that one loperamide each day for two days stops the runs without making me constipated so I know do that most weeks to try to keep the stomach in balance. 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • FormerMember

    I get horrible stomach aches with this cav chemo.  Swings from constipation to the trots in a heartbeat- and hurts for ten days.  I took gavescon last time and sort of regretted it but it did do the trick .... eventually- just had to stay near the loo