The odds not in my favour+

  • 13 replies
  • 48 subscribers

I need to rant

Lost hubby 18months ago to cancer, i have lung cancer

 and after chemo and immunotherapy for the full two

years, and now start radiotherapy this Thursday.

Today my daughter got diagnosed with breast cancer and mastectomy  with in the next two weeks

To say i am Angry, Devastated, is and under statement

If i could swear oh here omg it would all come out.

Rant Over

Thanks Ellie x,

  •  Oh Ellie, I am lost for words! Having cancer ourselves is hard enough but it is much worse when your family have it! I can remember clearly when Tom was diagnosed, it was a cruel blow as you had just gone to "stable"! I have only admiration for you and the way you supported him and dealt with loosing him.

    Now this, it is just not fair for you to cope with your daughter going through a mastectomy! I don't blame you for wanting to swear, it is something I never do but after reading your post, I now understand why people do swear! You rant as much as you like here and let it all go.

    I wish we lived closer and then I would be able to give you a proper hug but a virtual (((hug))) is all I can manage from here. I will send you a personal message but in the meantime, I want you to know I am always here for you. I just don't understand why bad things, happen to good people!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh Ellie I really don’t know what the hell to say to that. I know they say that life is not fair but that really is bloody unfair. I hope your daughters treatment works and that you are well enough to support her through it.  


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • This is beyond awful Ellie, words really can't make a difference but maybe the support you are getting from your friends here will help in a tiny way. 

    I rembered that you said you had a birthday due and so I posted that ridiculous heading so you might think it amusing. I probably timed that wrong.

    Always thinking of you. X

  • Sorry to hear your news. You will be here to support your daughter as she is here to support you.

    It  is good you can express your feelings on here.

    I hope your daughters diagnosis is early and she she will get the mastectomy soon

    love Ruth xxx


  • Breast cancer is very survivable.  I hope your daughters surgery and any further treatment is totally successful.  Bless you both.

  • Hi Ellie wanted to respond to your post earlier than this as I have been locked out of the site technical issues struck again but now they have got me back in here so sorry to hear your news we are all here for you to give you all the support and hugs you need xxxxxx

  • Ugh, how awful. Thinking of you.

    Stuart x 

  • Hi @ellie73,

    Life is a bitch for sure, at times. Here's wishing you and your daughter all the best. As someone else has said, breast cancer treatment is so much better these days, so hopefully mastectomy and whatever else will mean a full recovery for your daughter, and many more years of healthy life. So sorry that you have had such news on your birthday of all days, although there would be no good day for it, in truth. Rant and rage as much as you need. xx

  • Dear Ellie this is rubbish news and I don't wonder that you are so upset. Please can I offer my love, friendship, and as much strength as I can muster x

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember

    So, so sorry  we all know that life can be cruel but this is a huge blow. As the others have said there are a lot of treatment options for breast cancer these days, I was first diagnosed 12 years ago, but I can only imagine what it’s like to have to watch  your daughter go through it. Sending love and hugs xx