Update rosethorns

  • 11 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi all, hope everyone is doing ok. I had my 4 weekly phone call from my oncologist yesterday which was just a catch up on how I am coping on cabozantinib. She said my bloods showed my bone reading was good so she wanted to give it another 4 weeks before requesting a ct scan. So another waiting game for me. 
on another note I absolutely loved my holidays abroad before all this so hubby rang around to see about getting travel insurance to cover me and him for a couple of weeks away when all is open. Well we can forget that . Due to my diagnosis and his medical history it’s gonna cost us about £3000 . That would be nearly as much as the holiday so I can’t see us going abroad again.

that’s my little update done.

keep your chin up everyone and sending love 

Rose xx

  • Hi Rose, that sounds like positive news from the oncologist.

    Travel insurance is a nightmare isn't it? I've paid over £2k for a cruise in October, but there's no way we can justify anything else. Still, there are nice places to go in the UK.

    Best wishes.

    Stuart x 

  • H I Stuart, thanks for your reply, yes, I think I have got to surrender and go away in uk , as you say , there are some lovely places. I will start researching.

  • I was recommended a site on the forums here. Www.insurancewith.com  they gave us a very good quote and I’m terminal and my wife is diabetic and has previously had cancer and the quote was cheaper than my insurance before I got cancer. 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • I used insurancewith for our last cruise. It took an hour on the phone. All they want to be sure of is that you don't die on your fortnights holiday! 

  • Insurance is something that concerns me going forward.

  • Hi Rose, Your oncologist must think you are having a positive response to the cabozantinib which is great.

    Many moons ago when I was first diagnosed I phoned over a dozen Travel Insurance companies most of which said they couldn't insure me. One even quoted £9,000 for 4 weeks in Spain. Then I discovered some were willing to insure me for 2 or 3 weeks but certainly no longer! I did get insurance for 3 weeks away through MIA Travel but they only deal with Europe so when we went on a cruise we changed companies. I've been with eurotunnel.com and also insurancewith.com. There used to be a group named Travel Insurance here on the site but I'm not sure if it is still on the go. McMillan has information also. Don't give up, keep trying and I'm sure you will find somewhere to get insurance! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Richard, I might try this thank you 

  • Thanks Annette, maybe I won’t give up then and try this company. I just don’t want to get my hopes up .

    love Rose xx

  • Hi Rose, there is a travel insurance forum on the community that has several recommendations for travel insurance for cancer patients. I'll put a link to the group here for you.


    Don't give up hope on your holiday. The last cruise we went on just before Covid, I managed to get a years insurance for less than £50 for us both. We had paid hundreds previously.  

    Take care 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thanks chelle,  I will have a look at that. £50 that’s cheap, sorry to ask but are you terminal? 
    love Rose x