Reality check 3

  • 40 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Just as we thought we'd caught up with all the changes in the last 3 months they've changed again.

I had a second assessment with the palliative care team on Friday & the Consultant said there was a significant difference in a week. My OH has been struggling to manage.

I'm losing my upper body strength which makes transfers very challenging and sometimes feel unsafe. I've now got a hospital bed in the therapy room, commode and a bath lift.  I'm going to have 2 carers for an hour in the morning and evening and can also have help with a bath 2 or 3 times a week. I haven't managed to get on top of the pain since Friday  and it's so draining. The amitriptyline is being increased slowly so I'm still on a very low dose & knocking back the oramorphine every couple of hours. 

My sister and I have cancelled our week in Scotland in early June. I'm heartbroken and relieved in equal measure. The travelling alone would be a huge challenge and a remote Scottish Island not a good place for me now. 

I'm not ready. You'd think by now I would have learned to expect the unexpected but I would just like more time to spend with family and friends.  

 So, just need to sort out pain control and make the most of this lovely therapy room. I've got this. xx

  • I feel so sorry for you tinaly with the pain control issue and having to cancel your trip with your sister I am sending you loads of love and hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Dear Tinalay,

    What a blow having to cancel your plans, I hope that you manage to get the pain under control and that you manage to spend some happy times with your family and friends.

    Love to you and your OH


  • That is gutting. I do so hope that your team  can get to grips with at least some of your troubles. You have been in dreadful trouble before and dragged yourself kicking and screaming back to some normality, let's see that again. I know it must be so hard for all of you but a lot of good thoughts coming your way. Xxxxxx

  • So sorry to hear this. I hope they get the pain sorted ASAP enjoy your therapy room and time with your family


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • So sorry you’re having such a terrible time again Tnalay.

    Sending lots of love and best wishes.


  • Oh dear , I'm so sorry to hear that your condition has deteriorated so quickly. I didn't get a notification that you had posted that so I'm going to speak to admin. 

    I'm sending you warm hugs and kisses and please let your OH know that I'm thinking about him, it must be really tough.

    Take care sweet Tinalay

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Oh Tinalay, that's not good. I hope the get the pain under control...and your hubby can get a little help from the care workers..It's not an easy time..sending you love and hugs

  • Hi Tinalay, This makes very difficult reading! I agree with your comment about the changes in the site! When once we only had to look under the Group, now we have to look at the Headings under the group and read the posts under each heading, so we know we haven't missed anyone's post. It is very time consuming!

    Sorry, I digress! It is a shame you have had to cancel your trip with your sister but you are correct, a small out of the way place, is definitely not the place for you to be at the moment. They hardly have first aid, let alone emergency room.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi again Tinalay, I had to stop in the middle of my last reply because the keyboard all of a sudden went to about a quarter of the size and I couldn't get it to change back. I have been using iPads for years and this is a first! 
    The site is harder to use, so the rest of my reply, I will do as a PM if that works!! Aargh!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Mine does that I find I can spread it to the normal size with my fingers xx
