Baltic here

  • 7 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Looks like no change in weather at any time just feel so lost I know I have to reorganize  my life listening  to channel  76 freeview now 70s music of my youth not sure looking back does one any good have felt the odd tear listening  to the 3 degrees seen them live in Sheffield my only claim to fame one sat on my knee and sang to me sleep patter back to being rubbish again being trying to stay of the oramorph only 5 mls seem to block me up probably  not a good idea anyway sorry feeling a bit down just hate the cold and struggling  to look forward I know I must just quite dont know how should be grateful  I will get a grip


  • Hi

    The change from decent temperatures and sun to cold and rain does bring a lot of us down, so you are not alone in that. Listening to the music from earlier days may bring the odd tear, but hopefully also the more frequent smile. Hope having a 3 degrees singer on your knee is one of them. Sorry about the oramorph having a bad effect on you . Bowels can bring you down ! Good gut health is seen as key to things these days - I find sauerkraut has miraculous properties if you can tolerate it. I like it so I am happy to eat a cupful each day if need be.Hope you can lift yourself up for now, and dont worry about letting us know how you feel - we all need to vent.

  • I love listening back to the music of my youth - Iron Maiden, Saxon, Diamond Head, Black Sabbath, etc. Now that it can all be streamed on Spotify, I can spend hours back in the early 80's


    Stuart x 

  • I have been feeling fed up with this cold windy wet weather as well.

    pits good sometimes to have a moan.

    I have been tired shivery and dizzy yesterday slightly better today. Some good weather would definitely help. I think we have to wait another week.looks slightly better here on Friday.

    hope you are feeling better tomorrow xx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Not so nice in Sth Cambs either - TheBastard awaits...

    Absolutely NOT going out 'til min 15 degs!!! Hahahaha

  • I wish i could send some sunshine to you..we got plenty here...only 22 degrees but not bad. Hope you feel better soon.

  • Hi 

    Baltic in Northern Ireland too my friend. I went outside to try to get a little gardening done in my plot and was greeted by a very heavy hail shower, followed closely by a second and third. Not the weather for working outside so I checked the greenhouse and then went back indoors. 

    In the 70s we didn't have many big names rushing to Northern Ireland, Leo Sayer was one. He stopped on the steps back up to the stage when he saw me standing and waited for me to take a photo. 

    If I had one of the three degrees sitting on my knees I would still have those unwashed trousers and every time I thought about it my legs would instantly warm up!

    Nice that you end your post with a little positivity.

    Take care Jim and stay safe.


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    Oh Jim, I’m so sorry you are feeling down.  I too have been listening to old music and dancing around in the kitchen.  Don’t try and stay off the oramorph if you are in pain - get your oncology team to give you some laxatives instead - laxatives are the gift that keeps on giving!

    feel better soon xxx Maz xxx