Couple of beers

  • 5 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi all just throught  I would put it out there ( waiting for chemo) was never a big drinker how do people  think of the odd beer ocassionall fancy one but with meds and all haven't  part taken must be well over a year hopefully with  England  opening  up and my new wheels well  I feel sod it why not very best Regards to everyone 

Jim 788

  • FormerMember

    GO FOR IT!!!

    Be aware that you can be prosecuted drunk in charge of a motor scooter which frankly, I would happily pay to see!!! Hahahaha! (Don't do it even if it's difficult to have a responsible driver...)

  • I haven't drunk for years and I cannot imagine what it would be like to have a hangover on top of everything else. When the sun comes out though, a cold beer is just what you want. We have tried a couple of the alcohol free lagers - a Stella one and a San Miguel one - and they are excellent. Taste exactly like the real thing to me.

    Stuart x 

  • Hi Jim, If you haven't started chemo yet, I cannot see any harm in having A beer if you fancy one but not enough to make you feel drunk. Also depending on what meds you are on, I would phone your nurse or team and ask if this would be alright. Now I know I am 'sounding' like the Matron here but whats the point of taking meds then taking something that won't make them work as efficiently! Why not try as Galilee has suggested a long cool non alcoholic beer first? You may even like it and just like a long soft drink with ice may be just the thing to quench your thirst!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • The 'Matron ' is right as always. I asked if I could have a drink whilst on chemo and was told " in moderation" . Let me tell you, if you think chemo is bad, you try an alcoholic drink with it, it will slaughter you. Other people have found the same.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Galilee

    I haven’t drunk alcohol for 11 years but when I did try alcohol free beer I felt drunk - ridiculous isn’t it.