Magnolia in our garden

  • 8 replies
  • 46 subscribers

This always gives me joy and I hope it helps give you some too.

  • It is beautiful, we walk past a magnolia on our dog walk and it is looking sad, browning. I assume frost damage.

    Yours looks magnificent


  • Hi @Rainieday

    What a lovely magnolia, it's a plant t have in my garden too and its aroma is magnificent. What a shame it only lasts a short while. There's a pink and a purple one available now but I have only ever seen a white one. 

    I googled pink magnolia and have taken a screenshot (below). I think I'll try to get one but it's going to be difficult. I live in Northern Ireland and since Brexit, it has been nigh on impossible to get seeds, bulbs or plants from GB. We are still in the European single market and the supply market has been cut off because GB finds it impossible to send anything to the EU that may contain soil. Politics!


    Love life and family.
  • I love to see a magnolia x


  • I think ours is a m. stellata. It's very graceful. It is white but also pinky-lavender inside. The frost did hold it back a bit this year and a lot of buds fell when we had snow, but it's managed to hold on and put out a lovely show.

    Hope you manage to get a pink one.


  • Hi Rainieday

    Lovely picture - not a gardener so our garden is basically lawn and hedging - I manage to kill off most plants although I bought my parents a camellia "Debbie" (a bit of vanity on my part there) during lockdown which has gorgeous deep pink flowers and I am surprised to say is doing well. xx

    Carpe Diem
  • FormerMember

    I’ve never noticed the magnolia trees before, but we have a white, pink & purple one in the village. Really beautiful but the blossom doesn’t seem to last long. Absolutely love all the vibrant sprinBlushcolours Blush

  • Absolutely beautiful. I wish I could grow things but I seem to have killer hands when it comes to plants. A friend gave me a begonia with beautiful yellow flowers last week. It died yesterday and my husband said it was because I touched it! We do have a garden where the grass and the hedge seem to be on steroids!!!!!!
