Week legs

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  • 41 subscribers

Jim 788 here just to say thanks all as said it's all in getting the regime right bowels  seem to be back in action unfortunately  got spinal compression my legs cant explain anyway  lost 50 +% power in my legs cant walk not much more than 5 minutes before  I get knackered suppose  I will have to be looking at wheelchair  use to be honest I dread I have no concerns  financially any advice for buying one looking at battery  operated and flexible to put in car note wife not in best of health 

Best Regards  to all

  • FormerMember

    I can highly recommend wheelchair use, save yourself for the good stuff  Mine is refurbished, £700 best money I’ve ever spent, bought with grateful thanks by PIP . Turns on a dime, gives me independence with accessible taxis, & not running a car xx

  • Hi Jim, The same thing happened to me and my oncologist referred me to a Consultant who specialised in spinal problems. I wonder has anyone suggested you speak to a surgeon? I had a spinal decompression and no longer have numb feet. What I do have is nerve damage from a groin dissection and a weak spine as I have osteoarthritis.
    I have an electric buggy bought for me by our son. It comes apart into 5 pieces and fits in the boot of the car. Mine is now five and a half years old, so the updated ones are easier to put together and also lighter. I may trade mine in for an up to date model soon. I also have a manual self propelled wheelchair and a stroller (this is a Zimmer frame on wheels with a seat but a snazzy modern one), I use elbow crutches also. As you can tell, I like to be mobile! 
    My advice would be to not rush into anything. Check everything out then make an informed decision! New or used doesn't matter if it suits your purpose! Good luck! Keep us posted!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi 

    Please don't worry about going into a wheelchair, I was forced to go into a wheelchair 5 years ago when my spinal condition got so severe that I can't walk at all without pain, and need to sit down after walking from the back door of my house to the back door of my garage because the pain has become excruciating. 

    I obtained a self propelled wheelchair from the NHS and a couple of years later, I bought a battery powered chair for £700 from a company that was at a Motability exhibition just outside Belfast. Same cost as Annette's and mine also breaks down into 5 pieces and fits into a large car boot although the heaviest part is around 24 kilos. (The basket is one of the parts that breaks down but I leave mine attached). 

    To keep your independence Jim, a wheelchair is the way to go, so don't feel embarrassed or whatever. I find the general public very friendly, opening doors etc and I ALWAYS thank them. How many times have you come across grumpy wheelchair users? I tell friends that I'm here to change the face of wheelchair users! lol

    Take care and stay safe Jim


    Love life and family.