Exciting Week Coming Up

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  • 43 subscribers

Hope every one is doing well.

Not been about much lately, whether it was depression, grief or having cancer take your pick, and yes lock down, and yes the virus.

I get my hair cut next Tuesday, nothing about that i normally have it done every four weeks, its now been 4 months, like the wild woman from Boneo.

Next Wednesday  is a trip to Hospital  rather than a phone consultation which i have had for over a year, so a day out

Thursday i start my counselling, i phoned the hospice where Tom was and asked for help, i have been so so down. not like me, and did not want to see or talk to any one, so onwards and upwards is the next step

, i think losing Tom has been the hardest out of every thing, 53 years together life time,

Hope you are all  keeping warm, and in quiet good spirit's its the only way to go.

Take Care For Now and hopefully will be more like my old self soon.

Ellie xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Ellie - well done for reaching out. I am sure that will pay dividends very soon.

    Enjoy your haircut (if only!!! Mine all went with the WBRT... To be fair, there really wasn't much anyway... Hahaha).

    & don't forget - a day out is a day out, regardless!!!

  • Its always great to hear from you Ellie, I know its been unbelievably hard for you for a long time now. Just getting a bit back to normal and getting out will make a difference I am sure and speaking with someone is the way forward. They can see things that are in our lives that we cannot and can be really useful by making our problems clearer and so they can be dealt with.

    Just to have a chat and getting it alll off your chest will make you happier.

    Thats a long time to be with someone and it has left you with a massive hole in your life and in your heart.

    Please let us all know how you are get on, you have loads of friends on here and you havnt been forgotten xxxxxxxxx

  • Only a locked down cancer patient would think of that as an exciting week. Anyone else would be in pieces.

    How strong you are, Ellie.

    Stuart x 

  • Hi

    Glad you have reached out after a time away. Timesa re strange are they not, when a trip to the hairdressers and to hospital makes an exciting week? Hopefully counselling will help - make sure you feel a good connection to the counsellor, if not ask to see someone else ( I speak as someone who ran a counselling service, and "chemistry" is vital).

    I am reading a lovely book at the moment - well looking at more than reading as it is an illustrated book with few words. However I came to this quote and it seems to fit with us all at times:

    "What do we do when our hearts hurt" asked the horse,

    "we wrap them with friendship,shared tears and time, till they wake hopeful and happy again"  ( The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse).

    I know hopeful and happy may seem a long way off, but one day.....


  • That brought forth tears OBSs. What a lovely saying.

  • Hi Ellie,

    Good to see your name here again! It is an exciting week just to get out the house these days! I envy you managing to get to the hairdresser. My hairdresser posted on Facebook that they couldn't open just yet because the premises has been damaged by the bad weather we've had. So the builders were going in the other day to try to sort it out. It's over 6 months since mine has been cut, so I'm sure you don't look as wild as I do at the minute. I suppose another couple of weeks won't make too much difference as I would like to wait for my regular (I say that very loosely under the circumstances!) Hairdresser as they will loose enough business by the delay!

    That is great you are at last going to chat to a counsellor. We tend to try to "get by" on our own and not let our families know how we feel but I'm sure a chat to a professional will make all the difference. As Ownedbystaffies said, make sure you feel it is someone you connect to. I waited 4 weeks before I asked for someone else, as I didnt want to get her into any trouble but I'm told it happens a lot.

    Good luck, please let us know how you get on. You have been strong for too long. I'm sure Tom is smiling down relieved you have asked for help! Enjoy your  new chic look after the haircut too!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!