  • 8 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi all,

well had my face to face but my results had not been sent, my oncologist was hoping they would be in today and said she will ring, still nothing so hopefully it will be Monday.

We had a chat about the last CT, and how well it was, and that if there was much change in the main tumor she is ready with my next treatment which was nice to hear as my biggest fear was being told no more treatment. So my next treatment if and when will be GemCap. a combination of 2 chemos.

Happy weekend all and will post when get results until then stay strong and positive.


PS have new photos of badger family will post in 3 good things

  • All sounds really good. Great to have treatment to look forwards to. Not like a nice dinner at home but the next best thing!

    If you want more badgers take mine away, they are digging like coal miners!

  • That sounds positive DC.

    Keep your badgers, I've seen what they do to a lawn Grimacing

    Stuart x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Hi Norberry,

    fingers crossed its all fine.

    Sorry to hear about your badgers you'll need to train them like this. say cheese Joy

  • A lot of badgers !


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Hi Ruthjp,

    Yes we have quite a family, hopefully in a couple months we should see this years babies.

  • Oh that is a nice it

    And i'm glad your doc has something in stock for you!!!

  • Hi Devon Cat It's Great you managed to have a good chat with your Oncologist and that there is a plan in place for future treatment if needed.   However I know how disappointing it is to turn up at an appointment expecting results and not getting them. At least as you say, there is a plan but I really hope once you get your results, they are so good that the plan goes on the back burner for a much later date! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember

    Morning  there’s a build up to these results and conversations that we can’t avoid. I’m sorry your results weren’t ready for you. Good news that you at least had a chat with your Oncologist and that there’s a plan B. We love plans in this group!

    Your photos of the badgers are amazing!! How do you do that? I imagine our garden turns into a play park over night but we only see birds and only during the day. Hope you have a good week end too xx