End of treatment

  • 57 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Had a long talk with my Consultant today, it should have been a face to face appointment but I didn't get the appointment, just an appointment for chemo tomorrow.

My Consultant doesn't think there's any benefit in trying another chemo. It doesn't cross the blood/brain barrier, and although my latest scan shows more tumours in my liver, it's the brain tumour and spinal cord cancer that are the problem. The chemo is usually fairly well tolerated, fatigue and sickness, hair loss and risk of infection are the main side effects. I've had 3 bladder/kidney infections so far this year and 4 hospital admissions with complications from chemo, so am high risk of another hospital admission.

So we've made the decision, no more cancer treatment. I feel well, in fact better than I've felt in over a year of chemo, and am sick and tired of always feeling sick and tired.

My Consultant says chemo is unlikely to give me any more time, but the risk of infection for someone in a wheelchair with a permanent catheter is very high.

We've talked about this day as a family and now that it's here I feel confident it's the right decision for us.

It'll be hard to tell our sons and my twin sister, but there's nothing to be gained from flogging a dead horse. My brother had his op on Wednesday, and has been moved to another hospital to deal with a collapsed lung so it's a difficult time for us. I'd like to be as well as possible for as long as possible so that I can see my brother when he's out of the woods.

If things change and I start to get symptoms from the cancer in my lungs, liver or spine I can change my mind. Otherwise I'll be posting in the End of Life forum and don't really know what to expect from here on. We're having a stair lift fitted on Thursday so I'll be able to have a bath and shower, one of life's luxuries.

Need to finish the Memory Walk,I'm so grateful for the donations from here, especially as so many charities are struggling at the moment. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Salis

    Hi  I’ve been having chemo in some shape or form continuously for 2 years. I had gamma knife surgery 3 years ago & was stable and well for a year, until the cancer spread to my liver. Since then I’ve had 2 emergency hospital admissions with pneumonia which my Consultant said should have taken me, and 2 more with spinal cord compression. I’ve had 3 infections needing antibiotics this year and numerous side effects from a painful rash, ulcers, the feeling of walking on broken glass, high blood pressure...and have gone steadily downhill.I’m loving this feeling of belong well, hair & eyelashes growing back, eating & sleeping well. I know some of it is from the steroids but I’ve been told I can stay on them, and now that it’s Spring & restrictions are easing I feel excited to be able to make memories with family & friends. 
    I went to the hospital for bloods & an injection yesterday, as always they  struggled to find a vein and I was soooo relieved not to be having treatment!

    They put another chest drain in my brother last night & drained a litre and a half of fluid in an hour!!

    His breathing is much better & they’ve started some tube feeding, so things are a lot more positive today. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    I find it totally heartbreaking  Dave’s mum died of bowel cancer at 59. She was such a family person, never worked from having her 1st baby at 23 and was a home body too. She would be turning in her grave. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Thanks  St first I felt a bit threatened, as if things might go downhill very quickly, but no one can possibly know what’s going to happen. I think the last Dr told me what I wanted to hear. 
    My Consultant says very few people make this decision, most people want to keep going to the bitter end, perhaps for their families.

    Quality over quantity every time for our family.

    You inspire me, and I’ll take some candles up to the bathroom Blush xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Galilee

    You hit the nail on the head  it’s exhausting going through chemo, it can suck the life right out of you. I don’t want to end my days like that. My circle of friends is getting smaller, it’s easy to see the ones who are only in it for the drama. I don’t have to waste any time on them, it’s quite liberating. I don’t need to be told to keep fighting, I had the reoccurrence at the end of 2015, incurable since 2017 & terminal for 18 months. I’ve got this. Thank you for your good wishes Blush xx

  • Ah, the rubberneckers, plenty of those about. The worst are the ones who want to tell you how badly your cancer has affected them. "oh I couldn't concentrate at all when I heard and I had to get some pills from my doctor, but I have spoken to my bosses and they are very understanding and have told me to take a few days off"


  • Dear Tinalay. Our stupid talktalk Internet failed so I have only just seen your news. I will be thinking of you and your dear family. I will also be hoping for more good time for you. You would be sqeezed breathless if I was anywhere near to you. Xxxxxxx

  • Hi , Sad to hear your news, but we all get why not continuing treatment  feels like a relief. Sick of being sick and tired is spot on. Now is the time to get on with doing what you want and can ( sadly with the limits of covid). Hopefully the few precious people around you can help you get what you need, enjoy what you want to enjoy, and as you say, let the drama queens go. Can i however recommend you dont bother with the end of life group - it is empty and I have already highlighted that for anyone who was not a member before the website changes, it is basically invisible. Stay on here, and let us be your companions when you want chat or rant or whatever. We can take it and we are here in numbers, so always someone around. We know you "have got this" but a little burden sharing  goes a long way.


  • My vote goes to the Staffy Lady who is right on all counts. 

  • Let us know how your blood tests are. 
    good your brother is feeling better now xx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    Couldn't agree more with OBS even if if means I am agreeing with Norbs by default!!

    Well, we can't have everything but as long as we have you here with us then all is good.