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Had breast cancer in 2019 and endometrial cancer last year.  2 ops, 6 cycles of FEC-T chemo and 5 sessions of radiotherapy later I was told I had cancerous nodules in my stomach that will inevitably grow and kill me.  Doctor thinks I have around a year to live.  How do I wrap my head around that?

  • Hello WishingWell.46. Welcome to this friendly little group. I know for sure people on here have the  same problems as you and can offer advice based on their personal experiences. We have all been given an end date and we have all, I believe, gone past that date,no one knows when our times are up, they can only give an opinion. That opinion becomes out of date the moment you get a new drug or go on a trial.

    I can say you will worry every second of every minute of every day and one day you will realise you have stopped obsessing. You can't worry for ever, your body and mind wont let you.  When things become clearer you will see things differently. This is a fact.

    I hope you have your own support, you will get a lorry load on here. Best wishes.

  • Hi and welcome. I was given the terminal prognosis in July 2019. I have yet to be given a sell by date which doesn’t make dealing with it any easier as I’m a control freak. I realised one day That I’m driving down the road of life and like everyone I have been told there is a wall across the road that will kill me. The only difference is I know mine will be a lot sooner than others. I hope it will be round a sharp turn so I don’t see it till the last minute. In the mean time I’m going to look out the window and enjoy the scenery and ignore the wall.  


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Hi WishingWell.46,

    I was given a similar amount of time to live in October 2020, I'm just trying to make sure that I find something to enjoy in every day and to make sure that the people who are important to me know that I love them. Obviously this is made more difficult due to the pandemic, but last week I felt optimistic enough to book a weeks holiday in May, and hopefully I will be able to see my children in May as well.

    I hope that you are able to come to terms with your prognosis, if you look around this forum you will see that lots of people do outlive theirs with a decent quality of life. They are pretty friendly and funny too. 


  • Hello WishingWell.46

    So sorry you have had to join this group but you are now in good company. Quite a few of us have been given our sell by dates and have seen them come and go and I hope it will be the same for you.

    I was going to try and be very wise and send you some good thoughts but Norberry has already said it all so well and he is right!

    You will worry and you will have up days and other days that are the pits but try to take them as they come, one at a time.

    Following my prognosis of about one year in 2019 my lung cancer specialist nurse told me that I will die with cancer but not necessarily of it. Took me a while to work that out but it helps me, hope it helps you too.

    All the best and take care


  • Hi Wishingwell46,  Welcome to the group! Please ignore sellby dates, I passed mine around October 2013 Stage 4 incurable.

    The amount of new treatments and trials they have nowadays, I am hopeful they find the right one for you!

    Norberry has said what was in my mind so all I would add is enjoy each and every day as it comes! One day at a time is how I have taken this rollercoaster of a journey, and all of a sudden you realise the rollercoaster has been slowing down and you didn't even notice!

    Come here with your worries and concerns as someone will have been there, done that! None of us want to let our families know exactly how we feel but there is no need to hold back on here! I look forward to chatting again soon!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • HI

    It is like having a bucket of cold water thrown over you when you are told such devasating news. I can only agree with what others have said- we do all come to terms with it eventually, and learn from others on this forum that it is not all as doom and gloom as we anticipate. Life does continue and even if lived day by day, well that is how we live our lives and it can be good. As wiser heads on here have said in the past, get on with doing everything you need to do to deal with the "paperwork" - wills etc, and then stop thinking about " how long", and start thinking about "how well" to live those days/months and potentially longer. Prognosis is a statistical average, not a fact. There is plenty of support on here.
