8 years on, what’s next

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So yesterday I had the results of the ct scan done last month.  The cancers growing again.  Inevitable I suppose, but how fortunate to have got this far.  Diagnosed stage 4 nsclc squamous in March 2013 with a prognosis of 12 to 18 months.  I’ve had a wedge resection, chemo, radiotherapy twice, once as original treatment plan and again when a new tumour grew in my abdomen Immunotherapy when cancer was growing in my lung lining. I’ve been stable since finishing pembro 26 months ago.  

As I don’t see my onc until the 12 th, I see myself worrying if there is more treatment out there for me.  It’s going to be a long week.


  • Hi , i have NSCLC stage IV also..since Oct 2015..when i had regrow on lung in Jan last year i had RT again and it did stop it again, hope they have something for you to, you made it so far, so off we go again and your new onc hopefully will have something up his sleeve. Pet

  • Hi Annette it’s a long road with many twists and turns for us luckier ones.  I’ve no doubt there will be something out there for me, as you say there have been many new treatments developed recently so there is hope.


  • Hi ,

    It has really been a long and winding road for you, having read your profile. It is hard every time they say that things are on the march again, and hoping for another line of defence. We are so lucky to be living now when there are constant new treatments, and that we are living with an NHS that means we dont have to go bankrupt to pay for treatments. Long may your road continue to go on, with whatever twists and turns,  so good luck for the 12th.


  • Hi mummyb, You are certainly right about the twists and turns. That is why I call it a rollercoaster ride, you certainly get some bumps and bruises along the way and you don't quite know what's round the next corner. Whatever it is you will cope with it and take it in your stride because that's what we do! Please let us know what your new oncoligist is like and what plan he has for your future treatment which I hope you find out about on the 12th!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Life is a rollercoaster ride you can either close your eyes and scream (we have all done that ) or you can throw your arms in the air and enjoy the ride 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Thanks ownedbystaffies 

    Im truly grateful for all the NHS has done for me. Being treated for 8 years at no cost is truly immeasurable. I am disappointed tho that there is no chance, due to cost, of having immunotherapy again even though I’d no side effects and a better response with it.


  • Thanks Annette.

    I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes. X

  • Thanks Remoh 

    I’m not sure if I enjoy it but I sure get on with it. X

  • You neve know how things will pan out, you may find a trial that suits your situation. All sorts of things round tthe corner. X