8 years on, what’s next

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So yesterday I had the results of the ct scan done last month.  The cancers growing again.  Inevitable I suppose, but how fortunate to have got this far.  Diagnosed stage 4 nsclc squamous in March 2013 with a prognosis of 12 to 18 months.  I’ve had a wedge resection, chemo, radiotherapy twice, once as original treatment plan and again when a new tumour grew in my abdomen Immunotherapy when cancer was growing in my lung lining. I’ve been stable since finishing pembro 26 months ago.  

As I don’t see my onc until the 12 th, I see myself worrying if there is more treatment out there for me.  It’s going to be a long week.


  • FormerMember


    It really is remarkable how well you’ve done. We all hope for stability but there’s always that shadow  in the wings that the cancer will come back, up front and canter stage. I’m so sorry.

    It certainly is going to be a long week,  I hope there will be plenty of sunshine & Spring weather in there and you can find some distractions.

    I hope there will be something on the table on the 12th. Sending you a hug. xx

  • Morning mummyb, 

    Just read your bio and gosh you've been incurable for a long time. The stress must have been terrible. 

    Fingers crossed there's something good in the locker for you on the 12th. You're obviously a complete responder, so hopefully you've got many more years of stability ahead once they stop the new growth. 

    Take care. 

    Stuart x 

  • Thanks.  I’m sure there will be a plan ready for me, as you will know it’s the uncertainty that will give me a week of sleepless night.x

  • Thanks. It’s definitely been a roller coaster but I’ve managed to live a relatively care free life, just a bit of anxiety creeping in around scan time.  Mostly I just think I’m a lucky bugger.

    Hoping and praying now there is something more out there for me.x

  • You are a lucky bugger and why shouldn't you be. You haven't used all your treatments up, there is plenty in front of you. A bit of scanxiety is always there to keep us awake, there will be a plan for you, we all love a plan on here

    best wishes.!

  • Hi mummyb,

    You've had a remarkable journey so far. 

    Best wishes for a good plan and plenty more time. 


  • Thanks norberry, my previous onc always used to say you’ve had the worst of bad luck now you deserve the best of good luck.  She sure looked after me and got me this far.  Such a shame she’s gone.  A new journey with a new onc, I’m definitely hoping for more good luck to follow this latest bad luck.


  • Hi mummyb

    Wishing you all the best on the 12th.


  • Hi Mummyb, Well, I am surprised we have not 'chatted' before! I went straight to Stage4 incurable Malignant  Melanoma with spread to lymph nodes, chest, abdomen, bones and eye in March13! They gave me a prognosis of 5-7 months and here I still am! As you know it is not easy as you go from scan to scan knowing it will one day rear it's ugly head again because it is incurable.

    In saying that, I'm sure like me, you know how many new treatments they have come up with during those years when at one time there were no options at all they could offer! I'm sure your new Oncologists will be out to impress you and have a plan of action all ready for you on the 12th without you having to scream at him I hope! We love it when a plan comes together and you've done it once, you can do it again! Good luck and never give up hope! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!