We'd love your thoughts about developing the group

  • 46 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I’m Steph from the Community team, I hope you don’t mind me posting here today. I’m hoping to gather your thoughts and opinions on developing the ‘living with incurable cancer group’. 

We’d like to make it easier for new members to write that first post, whilst retaining a safe space for members to continue expressing their emotions and most difficult thoughts. We know that some of you also want a space to chat more generally and give and get support around everyday life.  

Firstly, I’ll be explaining a little more about the changes we could make in the group and what those changes mean for you. Following this information, there will be a poll where you’ll have a chance to have your say. We’d also welcome any thoughts or comments in reply to this post below.

We have been developing some groups across the Community to have two or three separate sections, or forums, within each group. Many of our groups now look a little more like this:

Underneath the new sections, we still show ‘all discussions’ from the whole group in a combined feed, just like you see now.

When we add forums to a group, you can still start a discussion in the same way. The only real difference is the option of which forum to post in (see below). Everything else works exactly as it does now.

If you would like to take a look at this group structure, why not take a look at the breast cancer or bladder cancer groups, where you'll be able to see this group structure working. 

We expect to see benefits to new members in providing a dedicated space for them to introduce themselves. Existing members should be able to more easily find discussions around diagnosis and treatment, whilst enjoying a space to continue longer chats and discuss everyday life, and give and get support.

We understand that change can be difficult, so we wanted to find out what you, the existing members of the group, thought about developing the group in a similar way.

We're constantly working on the user experience on the site, as making the Community the best place for peer-to-peer cancer support is at the heart of everything we do. We are continually listening to feedback and making changes to the site which will improve the experience for all our members and make sure everyone can access the right support for them, when they need it.

If you have any questions or comments about the new group structure, we would love to hear from you. You can vote in the poll, reply below or contact us by email at community@macmillan.org.uk

  • Hi Ellie, Yes we miss you here, how are you? X

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • In the Living with incurable cancer group I guess things are slightly different. Apart from discussions about scanxiety, treatment just had, treatment coming up and more, there are separate threads such as gardens and gardening, crafts and a few more. These are all fine and members generally keep to the subject, I would like to see a chat group created. Of course a thread may diverge a little but when the subject gets forgotten and members start to get involved with banter and a little slagging off, then perhaps two pages are consumed with chat about everything but the topic and the subject gets forgotten about. 

    I love a chat, and a general well behaved banter with a few friends is enjoyable but let's take it elsewhere and dont take up serious space in a thread. Simply an area entitled Chat will suffice where friends can discuss the latest Mars landing or whatever. 

    Also if a couple of members forget where they are and stray off piste then they need to accept a friendly nudge in the direction of Chat and don't take it personally. Most important.


    Love life and family.
  • Hello 

    Thank you for your comment, it's good to hear that you usually find the titles of threads enough to know what it's about.

    Just so you know, the existing discussion view will still be visible if we make the changes. If you prefer you'll be able to continue browsing the group in exactly the same way, without going into the individual forums.

    We think that the 'new here - say hello' forum makes it easier for new members to make that first post. We'd also expect it to help members who want to chat, but might not want that chat to get mixed up with questions around diagnosis and treatment. 

    We will continue reviewing the comments here and see how members vote before making any changes. We want the group to work best for the majority of members here, so we're really grateful for your feedback.

    Online Community Officer
  • Hi  and thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts. 

    It sounds like you can see the benefits of introducing separate forums, especially in creating a dedicated space for general chat. 

    I know some members were concerned that they wouldn't be able to start longer discussions in the other sections. I hope it reassures you all to know that the proposed group structure is not intended to stifle conversations, but instead offers a dedicated space for chat about gardens, crafts, or the latest moon landing (as you say, tvman).

    We'd always ask that conversations are kept relevant and that new threads are started for new discussions. We feel that a forum structure would help encourage this, so that members don't miss getting the support they need.

    Thanks again for your comment and do let us know if you have any further feedback.

    Online Community Officer
  • Hi Steph

    Oh dear Steph, I have copied a few words from you to me in your last message to me around an hour ago. Something you said is not correct, yet these words are reverberating in my head, you said "We'd always ask that conversations are kept relevant" and "or the latest moon landing (as you say, tvman)".

    It wasn't the latest moon landing but the latest Mars landing, the moon landings are so passé Steph. Tut tut Steph lol.


    Love life and family.
  • Oops! You got me there,  - silly me, showing my age there Disappointed

    I clearly should be more familiar with mars exploration - the company I used to work for were involved in the Beagle 2 Mars explorer back in the early 2000s! 

    Online Community Officer
  • I tried to delete my last response to you but I was 4 hours late! I thought you may have taken it the wrong way. Thankfully you didn't.

    Take care and stay safe Steph


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    Can we please have a section where we can have banter without being subject to censorship.  I think if it is made plain before people click on that section then it will stop people's posts being removed

  • Hi MazLC  I totally agree with you Maz. I actually (misguidedly) thought the Group Living with Incurable Cancer was somewhere we could share ANYTHING but obviously not the case.

    Why not have a discussion headed BANTER then those who are 'sensitive' need not take part or even read the posts! Humour is the thing that stops us dwelling on what's out of control in this life with cancer we did not choose!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Good idea  I find it hard that every comment is subject to censorship but do understand there are safeguarding issues.

    Several of my posts have flagged up an alert to the moderators so I must be using 'trigger' words.

    In one of the posts the only thing I could come up with was "hanging around" but I could be wrong. I certainly hope so! xx