Hello again.

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  • 49 subscribers

Hello folks. So sorry for another absence from the site for reasons along the same lines as   I have been watching from the sidelines though and have had some good laughs and more than a few tears along the way.

I'm sorry to hear about your latest brain CT  and wish you the very best of luck with your treatment. Sounds like you're in groundbreaking territory and you're the right man for the job.

I thought I was doing ok on a reduced dose of chemo, but the blood & urine tests showed an infection which spread to my kidneys. I was really suffering with sciatica and then developed weakness and loss of control of my bladder and legs and ended up being admitted for an emergency spine MRI. The 1st scan showed that the spinal cord itself wasn't being compressed, phew, but flagged up another concern and a second scan.

The second scan shows leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, meaning the cancer has spread to the lining of the brain and spinal cord. It's rare, complicated and the prognosis is 4-6 weeks without treatment, 2-6 months with. The original brain tumour and bone tumours are all growing and the cancer markers have been climbing steadily since November.

Any treatment is to preserve mobility and manage pain but is high risk.

So I'm home on high dose steroids until the MDT meeting next week to see if radiotherapy is an option.There's 1 type of chemo on offer, again if the potential benefits outweigh the risks. It's my call, if I feel I can cope with more cancer treatment they'll try Eribulin providing the steroids keep things stable during the next 2 weeks.

 it was a lovely boost to read your good news, thank you for sharing that, I'm delighted for you.

I've got some catching up to do and hope to have an uneventful couple of weeks to get there! xx

  • Hi Tinalay, Well, I'm sorry to tell you, I already have a sort of Therapy Room!

    It used to be called My Tai Chi Room for practising and sorting out what I was going to do with my classes. It lay like a homage to Tai Chi for several years until I finally realised I was never going to teach another class. So, I got my OH to take down my posters, charts etc. I left the candles, incense holders, small water feature all in the room. I already had my iPod and speaker for my music, which is very like relaxing music anyway. I bought a comfy chair because I could no longer stand for long.   I use it for Meditation and Qigong (breathing exercises) and for generally chilling out!

    Anyone is welcome to join me there if your Therapy Room is full! I think Norberry & TVman should have the virtual lounge bars with an array of cocktails etc for when we want to celebrate or commiserate here! Maybe SiT can arrange the crisps & snacks!! Any other suggestions would be very welcome!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv


    You should know better than to put me in charge of snacks - I'll just eat them all then be sick... Better to get my Butler to do it and I'll just enjoy watching tvman & the Norbmeister get bladdered!!!

    After their (alleged) exploits in the Pink Roller that would HAVE to be a blast!!!


  • You don't have to say 'alledged' like a downmarket newspaper reporter. We did nothing, well, nothing to be

    ashamed of. You will soon be clamouring to get back on board, I can already hear the imperative ...Norker, bring the Roller round to the front.....

    Its the new ' Naughty Seat' , and its on Motorbility !     Want to reapply?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Just for once I'm gonna have to share my laughter...


    Also - my PIP goes STRAIGHT to PaddyPower... Barely passes go!

  • I shall dismiss your previous allegations as your treatment may be messing with your jealousy. I hope your treatment is going well. OMG, how did I ever get embroiled in the   and  fiasco?

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hahaha - you're in now tvman so you're just gonna have to roll with it! You don't have to worry about me, it's the one with the PFLG's I'd be keeping my eyes on!!!

    He should be easy to spot (& avoid) sashaying down OCS looking for his Pink RR!!!

  • I don't sashay, my arthritis makes me walk like that. The gloves are not a fashion statement, they are added covid protection. So there. And Mayfair to OCS is less than ten minutes in the upcoming Vanmoof and that's in economy mode. Obsv you will be going flat out so half that.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    That's good to to know I'll be able to draw on your experience.

    A Tai Chi teacher and a Pilates teacher, they compliment each other beautifully. I'm going to treat myself to a good recliner, actually I seem to have totally embraced the idea of treating myself!!! and set up my music in there. I've got essential oil diffusers that were  presents and haven't been used, so will get them out. Haven't had any success with meditation but so many people find it helpful and Daloni was a big fan too. 

    Water features, food for thought!


  • Hi Tinalay, Well I think everyone needs to treat themselves, especially while in Lockdown. Sorry, I did not mention or Pilates! So wonder where that came from!! As well as Instructing Tai Chi & Qigong, I am also qualified as an International Badminton Coach and I also coached tennis! I was very busy before diagnosis!

    If you enter "Qigong" (no u in word) into Google, it will give you a list like; exercises, what it means, meditation. There are also demonstrations online and in uTube. Everything can be done sitting and if you try anything and it hurts, stop doing it.      Meditation takes a bit longer to learn but if you persevere you will reap the benefits. This can be done sitting, lying or reclining, as long as you are comfortable. Candles, incense and relaxing music all enhance the experience! 
    There is also a free app online called Headspace which is good. Daloni and I both used it! Good luck.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    I’ll try it, thanks  

    Yes, it’s easy to forget life before all this. I trained as a swimming & life saving teacher after I had my son and really loved it. It was also very well paid for part time work and I got to work with adults & chidren.

    I trained as a Nordic Walking Instructor but as I was paying rent on premises I didn’t wast to run lots of classes that took me out of the studio.

    I thought I wanted to work with fit people but the opposite was true, I did far more remedial teaching with clients who were fairly badly mangled and it complemented my nursing background perfectly. I went from Intensive Care to helping people be as independent as they possibly could. No one ever thanked me for doing their best time, but someone messaged me to say she’d put her own pants on for the 1st time!
