Sad news re MCLkid

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  • 44 subscribers

Dear Friends,

I received a message today to advise us that Millie , MCLkid passed away on 2nd February 2021.  I was contacted by Millie's daughter Tori and as she contacted me via the PM system I presume that Millie left her the log on details.  Hopefully Tori will be able to access any messages left on this thread.

For those who do not know Millie was a scientist and an astronaut. I have attached below a link to a obituary provided by her daughter.  CLICK HERE .

I will miss her and will remember her beautiful photo's and stories.

Gragon x

  • I know you were great friends with Millie, Gragon, this news will be hard for you. Her ambition was to get to the Chelsea Floor Show, she even joined the RHS! I said to her that if she gets here I would take her out to dinner. I am so sorry she did not manage it.

  • Oh dear, I knew she was an astronaut too. At the time she said that only Daloni and me knew. She sent me a beautiful photo of Ireland from space and asked me where I lived. 

    I am a little behind in my emails so maybe Tori has sent me notice too. Millie used to send me loads of photos of her garden in Mauai in Hawaii where she used to live before she left for the mainland and last year the horrendous fires weren't far from her. Few will forget the photos she sent of the hydroponic salad veg in her kitchen.

    I knew that she had been taken into hospital and at the same time it seemed like she was kind of involved a lot with the technology. Her husband was too until his death just over a year ago, also from cancer. When she went into space, she and the other members of the crew carried out the most experiments ever. 

     She was a very intelligent lady, still involved in scientific work until close to her illness acceleration. 

    Another of our friends who has died from this horrible illness. Why does it seem like it's always the best ones get taken?

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Oh Millie...i hope you can rest in peace, and may watch us from space now...

  • Hi Gragon and Everyone, Yes Millie and I were in contact up to Christmas Eve when she said no matter how she was feeling, her and Tori would have a great Christmas. She had bought lots of outdoor decorations for the garden and she was 'supervising' while her daughter did all the work!

    Tvman, Millie knew my husbànd was a photographer and asked if I would like a photo she took from space of the UK & Ireland which amazingly included Aurora borealis. I had it developed (with Millie's blessing) and had it framed in time for his birthday on 5 November, he absolutely loved it and when I look at it, it will remind me of the generous, witty, clever person I wzs proud to call a friend.

    My pm page is still not working, so if Tori did send me word, I haven't received it. Thanks Gragon and Norberry for sharing this very sad news!


    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I am so sorry to hear this news. I loved her photos.x

    Flowerlady x
  • Much missed Flowerlady , just had a little sob thinking of her and Daloni.

    How are things with you, I do hope you are doing OK.